erectile dysfunction's experience ( All 1 )

So I told my crush I like them and they said they liked me too but then THIS happened... where did I go wrong? Haven't I made it clear enough? I was planning to propose but then it was all a joke to them? was everything A LIE??? AND THEY HAVE A GF??? IM not that cheap to go after another girl's lover- IM HEARTBROKEM PLZZZ WHAT SHULD I DO ... how......   5 reply
21 04,2021

erectile dysfunction's answer ( All 0 )

erectile dysfunction's question ( All 13 )

Dear Cestelle,

A continuation to my prior post. As of right now, on Wednesday 5th March 2021 at 1:56pm, I am still very much blocked. Perhaps I phrased things a little strange in my other question, that was only due to how shocked I was. Please empathise. I only did so because someone I really liked had blocked me, it came at a shock to me, I'm sad now. What did I want? I wanted you to unblock me, or was that all? Perhaps, I wanted a reason, an explanation, validation. I guess, I wanted to be friends... But, it seems since I am still blocked, you must detest me, loath me, and it hurts. Rejection is no stranger to me, truthfully. Was it that much to hope that I could, for once, be accepted? You know what they say "I was the sun, yet you were searching for the moon" Coming to terms with the reality that we will just be perfect strangers with memories is difficult, but it is a journey I must partake. It hurts knowing I will be nothing more that a fleeting thought to you, but I will heal eventually. Thank you for everything you've done, all the times you've made me laugh, smile, cry, it has truly been a wonderful time. But alas, this is goodbye.

Sincerely Erectile Dysfunction.

PS. your "smh" will always be carried close to my heart
05 05,2021
about sad times
Dear Cestelle,

You're a user of mangago who I genuinely really admire. You and I agree a lot about things and you always manage to speak facts. I was coming to your bio to give you your well deserved compliment when I saw you've blocked me. PLEASE UNBLOCK ME, I WANT TO FOLLOW YOU CESTIE- *ahem* I mean, Cestelle, please, I wish for you to unblock me or, at least, tell me why you blocked me.

Sincerely, Erectile Dysfunction.

P.S. as a wise person (you) once said "smh"
05 05,2021
about periods
that I like the smell of my period blood :)
24 04,2021

(like they actually think so im just- LMAO)
22 04,2021

People are doing

did cosplay

I cosplayed as nezuko once but know I wanna do Sanji or maybe even Boa

3 hours
did toxic friends

Hahaha I loved the part where she said I should stop following her around like a dog

3 hours
want to do cosplay

i'd make such a good jotaro kujo (pre testosterone, 5'8" trans guy)

13 hours