Guys don’t bother reading this unless you’re into wasting ur time reading garbage lol. Yes I spent my time reading everything and even the other manhwa and no it doesn’t get better it just gets worse and pointless atp. What I hated the most was MC fucking her half brother bro and it didn’t help with how her body is supposed to look like 13.. and it’s worse cuz half brother was so fucking ugly istg. I felt empty in the end reading this shit. Such unique art too and it’s drawn for this shit brooooooo please the story could’ve at least been a BIT better only if MC stopped fucking her brother and saying that she was in love with him like bro not only that half brother was legit a fucking creep too and disgusting. Like this whole story is dogshit bro. ML fucking stupid too.

ML is the fox the handsome guy, Sana doesn’t die, she lives forever with the ML basically but she kinda turns into a legend too? Like ML. Basically if u see her you’ll dream of sleeping with her every night. Bro the story is all about sex ngl It’s a confusing story but ML is DEEPLY obsessed with sana, actually everyone in the story is lmao, Sana even has a girl falling for her. But Sana hates the ML the most but in the end I guess she doesn’t mind living with him since he basically fucks up her whole life. (By that he literally almost kills everyone she ever known) But ML is dumb he doesn’t cheat but in the side story on the other manhwa he listens to this dumbass girl tha has a crush on him about how to make Sana love him? and then he invites a guy to fuck her while he’s watching.. or whatever honestly it’s been so long I can’t remember every detail but the story is shit. If u read more you’ll learn abou ML past and he had different lovers but never took them seriously and killed them all.. maybe only 1 girl but he still killed her cuz she was fucking around w men. But yeah he fucks around with all of the women in the past and even had some babies with some of them cuz he living for so long but yk he kills the women after or spares them. Also was asaga her half brother? I’m not good w names but Asaga is also obsessed w sana but yk since it’s like ancient Chinese with cocubine he had other wifes but he was just mostly fucking with Sana and Sana loved him cuz it made her feel human. lol tha also reminds me of the other manhwa after the main, when Sana fucks the ML she asks him to use asaga face LMAOOO and sometimes the ML uses tha face to win for her favor or something.. oh my gosh it’s such a shit story.. I can’t.. but I hope this answers your questions

Oh and ML doesn’t know what “love” is but I’m pretty sure he loves sana his own way cuz yeah he’s literally obsessed w her.. but sana is kinda confusing but it’s clear she really hates ML for obvious reasons.. there’s technically no cheating since Sana don’t like ML but reading this fully will make u uncomfortable and just dead inside trust me haha

OHH dw!! I thought you meant her half brother!! But yeah the father deeply cares for Sana. But he does cuz ML kills him. But he was sexually abusive towards a new women after Sanas mother passed away.. oh and the women he was sexually abusing had his son, and that’s the son sana fucks around w in the future

Ok so.. found out the spoilers for the novel and .. seriously what a waste of art.. it’s even more fucked up than zero nun sum and even k netizens boycotted this so like.. sigh.. even hentai made by deranged men atp is looking like normal when u compare it to this shit. And from what I gathered the author had dog version but had to change it cuz bomton was like no bro dis way too much so they changed it to a sex machine.. and uke becomes really really messed up and the whole story is just revenge porn, torture, blackmail, gangrape and then ofc Stockholm syndrome.. dropping.

I remember watching super lovers when I was 11 and it was one of my first ever anime BL. Rewatched it and read the manga now. All what I want to say is.. I hope that motherfucking son of a bitch ML gets fucked in the ass and I hope he dies bro. He’s so fucking annoying oh my GOSHH he’s so irritating!! Is this fucking pedo ass bitch actually an old fuck or a damn lil immature child?? That molester ass hypocrite son of a bitch.. oh my gosh.. my blood is boiling.. even the shitty handsome face couldn’t save myself from finding him so fucking annoying!!!!! And my heart for Ren broke multiple times bc of him, Ren should have actually kissed or fucked another boy at the same age as him at least.. and that Haru pedofuck should watch and be miserable forever. Nah bro am I seeing a fucking adult who’s molesting and jerking off to a kid everyday or a damn lil ass immature dumbass kid who has 0 of fucking iq and keep leading on my poor Ren. Atp it’s both and worse!! Ugh!!! Bro Ren be the one who acting mature and always knows about his feelings. But he’s so fucking young and being groomed and nobody is even caring!! They keep saying bs and they know what a disgusting ML is and nobody bats an EYE!! NOBODY!! ONLY MIKA! Like I get it, it’s a BL but DAMN that motherfucking ML is pissing me the fuck off. The way my heart broke multiple times for Ren bc of this ML retardation is crazy. Like why am I seeing dis fucking old ass pedofuck kissing and molesting him and he’s tryna act like a saint saying shit like no I can’t fuck you, you’re still a child! WTF!!?? USE UR DAM BRAIN UR ALREADY MOLESTING LIKE A FREAKY DIDDY TO THAT POOR CHILD EVERDAY!! And u have the guts to say shit like that tf??? And the way he didn’t even think what kind of relationship he wanted throughout the whole anime with Ren.. bro nah all that frustration aside, I feel so bad for Ren cuz he was so young bro and I really understand him in a way, he almost didn’t have no one and only Haru, saw him as a parent figure but also loved him and had complicated feelings but it was clear he liked Haru. While that son of a pedoassbitch is not helping by his shitty ass hypocrisy and his bullshit of a brain. Like okay whatever whole watch was okay but ML annoyed the fuck outta me and he annoyed me more in manga. Like bitch if u gonna write a pedoass BL why make so retardation? Especially with the pedo fuck ass like he really lose his fucking memories and act like a total jerkfuck to Ren multiple times and it’s not helping whenever they fight Ren apologizes like a fucking dog to him even though HE SHOULDNT BC ITS ALWAYS THE PEDO FAULTT!! ugh SO ANNOYING.
Whoever read my angry rant about this fucking dogshit pdiddy molester, I apologize and I hope you have a great day.

Bro i feel you. I mean that's exactly how i feel. I watched the anime when I was maybe 8 or 9 and I was like that's such a good story but growing up I'm like what an actual fuck. The whole time while reading it I was like who in their right mind wrote this shit and the presented everything in a way if there is nothing wrong with it.Also I felt so frustrated that everyone in the series just excepted it. Uhghh I'm so angry I'm losing my mind

Seriously I bet the author got inspired by 13 reasons why. I feel so bad for the uke so I hope the seme gets hurt too at least. I couldn’t even read the part where he shoved up that stick like bro… what is this.. ik uke is dumb as hell but i feel like it’s way better like that rather than seeing him really depressed of what happened..

uke and the sister are legit so deranged LMAOOOO peeps could say the top was also bad but like its not his fault really he explained how the sister took care of him like a mom but sadly the sister is a hardcore homophobe ass bitch and he did always care for her more than she ever did.. sister dont deserve him and uke dont deserve him too. Even though the top said he always been waiting for this i mean cmon bro you fell in love so the emotions he feels are vaild for me, its like he finally thought for himself, he felt tha way but still priotized his sister in a way? plus like.. the uke was always molesting him anyways Lmao..
Bro imma ruin dis for everyone but I haven’t looked at them the same after realizing they kinda look like Childe X Scaramouche (and I really despise that ship)
But damn. They’re hot af