I just had to pause reading when I saw that Sora died. Like, seriously?? I know he's not the ML because it's obviously the black-haired dude. But why did you have to kill him off?? I can't—I really love his character and the chemistry he had with our girl. He just brought so much to the story, so why?? I can't accept this. Just thinking about it makes me cry. I thought this was a light one with just sunshine and rainbows. I can't believe you killed a character. I totally wasn't expecting this, good job author! Also, they could never make me like you, Akane. That girl did so many things that were below the belt, yet she always gets let off the hook. Our MC is too kind that I pity her.
Anyway, if this was the same universe as Yumeiro Patissiere, I have this thought that maybe she's Ichigo's grandma.
Lemme marinate dis for years ( ꈍᴗꈍ)