You know what the story is so bad, and I’m bout to explain why first of all our main character we know nothing about him. The dude with the black hair he literally just disappeared. I have no idea where he went and if our mc ends up with the black hair dude now bc he ended things with the blondie wth the story is just bad. The author really messed up like at first it was really captivating and it was interesting. Now it’s just like what the hell is even going on. I literally stoped reading the story like two years ago because how bad it was . It’s kind of just like why even continue the story when it literally ending so horribly ..?? I think the author knew that they messed up so they’re trying to do like some kind of fixer-upper with the story I get that there might be a good plot behind it. The story is actually very interesting if you don’t skim through the chapters and actually read it. I don’t hate the mc or anything. I just hate how the story was executed. It could’ve been done in a better way.