Does anyone know the one boy lover where his friend is always horny but hides it and the uke and see because he has to ability to see the horny meter
Haha is it this one?
Guys how do I tell my crush I like her? When I laid my eyes on her she was so pretty! And cute, I talked to her once though only for a short time. But the thing is. Is that I’m a girl, and I don’t know what to do. What if she’s not bi, or lesbian or any other sexuality. Or atleast how to I become friends with her? Cause I don’t talk to people (face to face) cause it’s weird and I have anti social anxiety I’m scared. What if she doesn’t want to be friends with me? She’s like a shy person and that would be nice to be grins with cause when I heard her laugh with someone she met I was attached more! I wanna be friends starting off first but.. I also wanna be hers AHHSJJAJ I don’t know anymore should I give up?
Aww good luck!! Being friends sounds doable! I have social anxiety as well, I know it can be super hard and frustrating but be more confident, I’m sure you can do it!! I’m a fake it till you make it kind of person.. just pretend you’re actually confident and act like it and it will be easier at least until you break the ice. Im bad at giving advice haha.. But definitely try to find out her sexuality and see if she’s interested before hitting on her. Just casually ask or bring it up in a conversation and answer first. Bringing it up in a conversation should be easier now since it is pride month!
Good luck!!
Did the author from blinds play put a bounty on the uploader head?? Or was that fake news I don’t go on Twitter because it’s toxic as hell
yup they wanted the uploader's private information to properly sue them for illegally uploading their work online but lyk that's so messed up
well the uploader got exposed