elidel's feed

elidel created a topic of If You Wish for My Despair

I'ma be 100 percent honest, sergeys death is kind of on the FLs hands, like you know damn well the duke hates you with a passion and detests your very existence and you decide to flaunt your affair to all the nobles present and it's with a knight that serves your fiancee, gurl , she really said" me n sergeys are going to stay together no matter what" . MAM HE WANTS YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY TO ROT WHAT IN THE HELL GAVE YOU THE CONFIDENCE THAT ML WOULDN'T DO ANYTHING???? Sis was acting so damn cocky only to just be a sobbing mess when the knight got sent off to war and guess what he's dead, dead af, dead cus you fucked around with someone you shouldn't have. Then she decides to pull this I'll kill the person you love BS mam what in the hell was stopping him from erasing you too, could've said she killed herself out of grief and be done with it, then she'd be known as the niece of the evil count who cheated on the duke and physically beat her maids, like can she actually use her head omfg.