Normally I'm not really good with fluffy stuff, sure I like reading it now and then but mostly I just ends up getting 2nd hand embarrassment or cringing, well I did find some parts here embarrassing in funny way like the ml finding out the recent researches but I just wanted to say THEY ARE SO DAMN ADORABLE
Need bl recs with narcissistic character but not in serious way rather in dumb loser comedy kinda way, I have read about 5 to 6 different stories with same premise and would like to read more, it's so fun
Normally I'm not really good with fluffy stuff, sure I like reading it now and then but mostly I just ends up getting 2nd hand embarrassment or cringing, well I did find some parts here embarrassing in funny way like the ml finding out the recent researches but I just wanted to say THEY ARE SO DAMN ADORABLE