dchar followed question about trying new cuisine

And when you pick one Translate this Ваше фото пригласило вас на свидание What is your reaction

23 04,2021
dchar followed question about is a worthless piece of shit

wanna know what do ya'll do to like yk , ignore bad thoughts, just curious

22 04,2021
dchar followed a list
22 04,2021
dchar followed a goer
22 04,2021
dchar followed question about listen to music

i just saw a woman like a grown ass woman call felix from skz a “bottom”. I’m about to lose my shit.

22 04,2021
dchar followed question about what the heck is wrong with me

Ok so when i was a small child I didn’t know what dicks were and thought that everyone has vaginas and i would always stay with my older brothers when they would be playing video games n shit one time i was on my brothers lap and accidentally touched his boy noodle oopsie but my dumbass thought that i was touching something in his pocket and di......

21 04,2021
dchar followed thing

1099 people did   /   337 want to do

21 04,2021
dchar followed question about test your personality type

This works well with your Myers Brigs typing which many have done already here. https://www.eclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test For me I am an INFJ (Myers Brigs) with Enneagram type 5 Have fun (●'◡'●)ノ

21 04,2021
dchar did

931 people did   /   347 want to do

dchar followed thing

931 people did   /   347 want to do

21 04,2021
dchar followed question about test your personality type

Keep in mind this quiz is ridiculously hyper religious and some of the questions shame you for completely normal things (ex: being overweight or gay) http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv Apparently I scored highest on level 7 I got: Purgatory- Very Low Level 1 Virtuous Non Belivers- Very Low Level 2 Lustful- Very High Level 3 Glut......

21 04,2021
dchar answered question about test your personality type
I have no clue if I should be concerned about myself or the people who got all High and High moderate-
dchar followed question about test your personality type

Y’all here u go a depression test. I got: Major Depression: High-Moderate Dysthymia: High Bipolar Disorder: Slight Cyclothymia: High-Moderate Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight-Moderate Postpartum Depression: N/A http://www.depressedtest.com/

21 04,2021
dchar followed question about test your personality type

Here take the quiz :0) https://kapable.github.io/kapable.github.io/personalColor I got dandelion

21 04,2021
dchar followed question about question

ur 5th pic in ur camera roll is the person that u see in the “hot single moms in ur area ad” ive been using a lot of illegal sites lately Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

21 04,2021
dchar asked a question

Looking for action/Isekai mangas
- Strong Male or Female MCs
- No harem/romance
- Good plot and character development

Sorry if this sounds really specific, I'm kind of a picky reader

dchar followed question about first yaoi

I do have someone and we do share the interest of it! ^^ Well, my cousin knew. It's quite a relief that she also ships some pairs! She's the one who influenced me when it comes to reading an 18+work though so yep, thanks to her. What about ya? :3

21 04,2021
dchar followed question about have an unpopular opinion
21 04,2021
dchar followed question about question

what's your biggest turn off while reading smut?

20 04,2021
dchar answered question about have an unpopular opinion
A mature beta, honestly everyone be getting omega I thought I was gonna to- ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭