I love it
Cause I mean I get that we just didn’t get to see the fluff of it if we had more chaps with the dynamic outside the sex it would have been fabulous but
I’m not mad at where it ended
Stories now a days sometimes drag the drama out so much or just completely toxify it and with a poly story we all know how they tend to just destroy the dynamic and end up as the worse poly representation this one on the other end let’s me believe that they do indeed work it out
I’m so used to the toxic that I was so afraid they wouldn’t end up together
But luckily they do and everything is good
And I’m sure they all love each other, I know it seems that the two of them might not be romantic about each other but I definitely see it wanting to give them a piece of your everything is love
I’d love a longer version of this but the same exact story with more fluff not more toxic lol good good I love it
That’s all for my review