It's confusing me. Isn't the ML was lost when he's child and then adopted by a merchant. He's so smoll. But why this flashback he's like 10yo kid. So confusing

I think we ll see why later in the story. But I for myself explained it like this: the child doesn't age the way humans age and he s already many years old. When he ll get lost on land and lose his memories I guess something will happen that he ll start to age like a human and he ll somehow start from being a small child... well anyway those creatures are magical and can change their appearance so whatever explanation can be applied...
That's when you had technology but you not use it just because you want to posessed him out of the world. Now he's gone and you couldn't call him and couldn't track him down (well i against stalker things but location tracker sometimes really helpful).
This storyline really psycho and i'm a maso that still read this until now