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absolutely feral September 1, 2023 6:41 am

I read the first 6 chapters and omfg I need to bleach my eyes. WHYYY is there so much rape in BL oh my god like just say you can't write enemies to lovers and move on. I can't believe I thought for even a second that this could be good because Love is an Illusion is ALSO a dumpster fire. I learnt my lesson. If any of these artists/authors EVER went through anything they put these characters through I'm sure they would have a very different outlook. That seme deserves JAILLLL time. And people are saying it's cute?!??!? HUH?!?!?!?

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Photo from Really nice illustrations ✨️ 05-16 04:43
make a garfieldsona 09-11 04:57
cool art 07-13 12:06

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