Gabimaru the Empty, a former ninja assassin known feared as a heartless husk of a man, spends his da...
- Author: Yuuji Kaku
- Genres: Supernatural / Action / Romance / Adventure / Shounen / Drama / Historical
The 7 teenagers who committed crimes had their body parts related to the crime they committed taken ...
- Author: Kinashi Runamu
- Genres: Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Seinen / Supernatural
Igarashi Tohru, a college student, took a 6-month part-time job in a child care facility located dee...
- Author: Miura Miu
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological
Kurozu-cho, a small fogbound town on the coast of Japan, is cursed. According to Shuichi Saito, the ...
- Author: Itou Junji
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Romance / Seinen
@babydollover is my Pinterest~
Send me a mail, I love chatting
and helping people, I reply late
INTJ, sorry about that.
I love horror!
18 04,2021