kawaikooo June 3, 2021 5:29 pm

god im sorry but naoya is so fucking hot

    jeimyl2 June 3, 2021 9:51 pm


    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 10:36 pm
    no jeimyl2

    he is admit it. not saying i support his actions. he wont get pretty privelige from me

    joi June 4, 2021 12:18 am

    yes he hot only when he doesn't open his mouth

kawaikooo June 3, 2021 6:50 am

yall are so disgusting. god i hate proshippers so much please di3

    ejiroustar June 3, 2021 6:57 am

    ONGGGG, this!!!

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:00 am
    ONGGGG, this!!! ejiroustar

    these proshippers can come and attack me too idgaf. fucking pedophiles like to see minors getting fucked get help

    ejiroustar June 3, 2021 7:03 am
    these proshippers can come and attack me too idgaf. fucking pedophiles like to see minors getting fucked get help kawaikooo

    Literally like how do u live with yourself knowing that you support LITERAL pedophila. I bet my life some of me are gonna come with that “it’s just fiction, it’s not real” shit as if supporting that in fiction doesn’t say something about them as person too.

    ejiroustar June 3, 2021 7:03 am
    these proshippers can come and attack me too idgaf. fucking pedophiles like to see minors getting fucked get help kawaikooo

    I meant em lmao

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:15 am

    ew r u white

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:17 am

    imagine getting oppressed over real people bc of a drawing this shit is just sad

    ejiroustar June 3, 2021 7:25 am
    imagine getting oppressed over real people bc of a drawing this shit is just sad Kiku Good Boy

    K¥s. Literally d!e a hundred times. You’re fucking sad for supporting pedophilia. Imagine someone drew u having hardcore care sex with a man in his fucking 60’s lmfaooo

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:29 am
    imagine getting oppressed over real people bc of a drawing this shit is just sad Kiku Good Boy

    drawing of what? a minor fucking pedophile go cut deep thanks

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:30 am
    ew r u white Kiku Good Boy

    u bringing race into this? think of something better freak

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:34 am
    K¥s. Literally d!e a hundred times. You’re fucking sad for supporting pedophilia. Imagine someone drew u having hardcore care sex with a man in his fucking 60’s lmfaooo ejiroustar

    HAHAHAHA i never said i supported pedophilia? if u read or know jjk u know the author does triggering stuff? like mei mei sleeping with her YOUNG BROTHER and mai having her first love as fushiguro?? if u think deep enough u could say the author of the series could be a proshipper also

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:37 am
    u bringing race into this? think of something better freak kawaikooo

    exactly what a white person would say yikes

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:39 am
    HAHAHAHA i never said i supported pedophilia? if u read or know jjk u know the author does triggering stuff? like mei mei sleeping with her YOUNG BROTHER and mai having her first love as fushiguro?? if u think... Kiku Good Boy

    you do realize mai is apart of the zenin clan right? shitty people there did it ever cross your mind that she could've been forced? clearly she wanted out of the zenin clan along with maki

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:40 am
    exactly what a white person would say yikes Kiku Good Boy

    i know plenty of POC who hate proshippers too so i don't understand what race gotta do with this just say ur a retard and cant come up with anything better ☠

    ejiroustar June 3, 2021 7:41 am
    HAHAHAHA i never said i supported pedophilia? if u read or know jjk u know the author does triggering stuff? like mei mei sleeping with her YOUNG BROTHER and mai having her first love as fushiguro?? if u think... Kiku Good Boy

    Since you’re laughing, wanna hear something that’s also funny? It’s the fact that you had the audacity to say “i never said I supported pedophilia” after commenting “and?” when someone mentioned said “oh no, its digusting real or not. yuji is literally 15 and gojo is like 27-28, BAHAHAH! I’m not aware of the fact the jjk author did that but it’s not like they support that.. by your logic, that means that people who include rape in their stories support rape. Do u see how silly you sound

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:43 am
    Since you’re laughing, wanna hear something that’s also funny? It’s the fact that you had the audacity to say “i never said I supported pedophilia” after commenting “and?” when someone mentioned s... ejiroustar

    literally look at this lol https://twitter.com/nicosmoi/status/1367131294979796994?s=21

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:44 am
    Since you’re laughing, wanna hear something that’s also funny? It’s the fact that you had the audacity to say “i never said I supported pedophilia” after commenting “and?” when someone mentioned s... ejiroustar

    i said and? and i never said i supported it? stop trying to connect the dots between fiction and reality? I know the boundaries between the 2 unlike u

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:44 am
    i know plenty of POC who hate proshippers too so i don't understand what race gotta do with this just say ur a retard and cant come up with anything better ☠ kawaikooo

    boo hoo

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:47 am
    literally look at this lol https://twitter.com/nicosmoi/status/1367131294979796994?s=21 kawaikooo

    ohh so ur saying we give incest a pass????

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:51 am
    ohh so ur saying we give incest a pass???? Kiku Good Boy

    bro what?

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 7:51 am
    bro what? kawaikooo

    mai kisses maki in the later on chapters???

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 7:57 am
    mai kisses maki in the later on chapters??? Kiku Good Boy

    did u even read the chapter

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:01 am
    did u even read the chapter kawaikooo

    in chapter 149 she did? so that doesnt bother u at all??? kinda sus

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:02 am
    did u even read the chapter kawaikooo

    not even mei mei sleeping with her younger brother who's probably 8?? kinda sus

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:09 am
    not even mei mei sleeping with her younger brother who's probably 8?? kinda sus Kiku Good Boy

    dude you just met me how the hell do you think i DONT have a problem with mei sleeping with her brother

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:12 am
    dude you just met me how the hell do you think i DONT have a problem with mei sleeping with her brother kawaikooo

    yeah but think of it this way? why put more of ur energy into something that isnt canon? like this dj than the actual series itelf?

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:15 am
    yeah but think of it this way? why put more of ur energy into something that isnt canon? like this dj than the actual series itelf? Kiku Good Boy

    but its still disgusting

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:18 am
    but its still disgusting kawaikooo

    yeah but u have the option to either ignore it or not ignore it

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:21 am
    yeah but u have the option to either ignore it or not ignore it Kiku Good Boy

    no cause yall LOVE to sexualize minors. pedophile vibes.

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:23 am
    no cause yall LOVE to sexualize minors. pedophile vibes. kawaikooo

    if u got problems say that to the artist

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:27 am
    if u got problems say that to the artist Kiku Good Boy

    its both the readers and the artists fault. just stop being weirdos literally isnt that hard

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:31 am
    its both the readers and the artists fault. just stop being weirdos literally isnt that hard kawaikooo


    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:31 am
    its both the readers and the artists fault. just stop being weirdos literally isnt that hard kawaikooo

    sounds like u got issues. ur so obsessed with us and literally its making u look like a dumbass

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:33 am
    exactly what a white person would say yikes Kiku Good Boy

    white is not a insult either grow up,

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:34 am
    white is not a insult either grow up, //NBMXXI//

    and I'm not even white, don't go assuming people's race. yes I do find it funny to joke about white people but the person could of been Asian or Hispanic.

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:34 am
    white is not a insult either grow up, //NBMXXI//

    yikes we got another one

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:36 am
    sounds like u got issues. ur so obsessed with us and literally its making u look like a dumbass Kiku Good Boy

    yall are obessessed with minors getting fucked seek help pedophile

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:37 am
    yall are obessessed with minors getting fucked seek help pedophile kawaikooo

    how am i a pedophile??? am i attracted to these kids???? i never said that u look like a dumbass at this point

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:37 am
    yikes we got another one Kiku Good Boy

    another one of deez nuts in yo mouth. shut the fuck up!

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:39 am
    another one of deez nuts in yo mouth. shut the fuck up! //NBMXXI//

    who let u in ???

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:40 am
    how am i a pedophile??? am i attracted to these kids???? i never said that u look like a dumbass at this point Kiku Good Boy

    well you enjoy looking at minor characters getting fucked and yall know its wrong yet continue to support it? weirdos

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:41 am
    who let u in ??? Kiku Good Boy

    I slipped in dumbass, another person to tell you you're wrong

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:42 am
    well you enjoy looking at minor characters getting fucked and yall know its wrong yet continue to support it? weirdos kawaikooo

    huh? name one time I said I enjoyed it? All I every said was, people have preferences both good and bad? as long as its not hurting anyone in reality?

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:42 am
    I slipped in dumbass, another person to tell you you're wrong //NBMXXI//

    about white nah

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:45 am
    about white nah Kiku Good Boy

    I'm literally asian as well and I'm here to tell you some things! I don't believe you are asian. you probably changed your status because of what you said here hating on white people and pedo shit, as a person who LOVES making fun of white people using it as a insult is retarded (I can say it) also you are wrong in every way so shut up already your opinion means nothing!

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:47 am
    I'm literally asian as well and I'm here to tell you some things! I don't believe you are asian. you probably changed your status because of what you said here hating on white people and pedo shit, as a person ... //NBMXXI//

    thats on you??? but im asian as well and your opinion also means nothing to me lawl

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:48 am
    I'm literally asian as well and I'm here to tell you some things! I don't believe you are asian. you probably changed your status because of what you said here hating on white people and pedo shit, as a person ... //NBMXXI//

    if im not asian and I hate white people then what am I ???

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:48 am
    huh? name one time I said I enjoyed it? All I every said was, people have preferences both good and bad? as long as its not hurting anyone in reality? Kiku Good Boy

    you're clearly defending this story

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:49 am
    you're clearly defending this story kawaikooo

    and so what? its not canon?

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:49 am
    thats on you??? but im asian as well and your opinion also means nothing to me lawl Kiku Good Boy

    "lawl" what are you 13! I don't believe you at ALL my opinion is very much way better than yours and it matters yours on the other hand? fucking dumb and it doesn't matter. who allowed you to talk? talk shit actually? I'm talking facts

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 8:50 am
    and so what? its not canon? Kiku Good Boy

    you literally keep repeating the same shit please hang urself end of convo freak.

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:50 am
    you literally keep repeating the same shit please hang urself end of convo freak. kawaikooo

    I agree with you 100%

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:50 am
    you literally keep repeating the same shit please hang urself end of convo freak. kawaikooo

    again w the kys jokes??? looks like u got issues

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:51 am
    I agree with you 100% //NBMXXI//


    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:51 am
    if im not asian and I hate white people then what am I ??? Kiku Good Boy

    it doesn't change anything

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:52 am

    haha yeah I hate jokes like that but I feel like you deserve death threats.

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:53 am
    haha yeah I hate jokes like that but I feel like you deserve death threats. //NBMXXI//


    雨 ᴶᴱᴬᴺ ˢᴵᴹᴾ June 3, 2021 8:53 am

    Kalma lang kayo guys

    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:54 am
    Kalma lang kayo guys 雨 ᴶᴱᴬᴺ ˢᴵᴹᴾ


    //NBMXXI// June 3, 2021 8:55 am

    I'm smarter than you!

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:55 am
    I'm smarter than you! //NBMXXI//

    i doubt

    Kiku Good Boy June 3, 2021 8:58 am
    I'm smarter than you! //NBMXXI//

    if being smart means hating on using kys jokes but then agreeing to someone else use that joke to someone else then congrats, you rlly are smart.

    ejiroustar June 3, 2021 7:20 pm
    i said and? and i never said i supported it? stop trying to connect the dots between fiction and reality? I know the boundaries between the 2 unlike u Kiku Good Boy

    You really tryna defending yourself huh.. nobody is trying to connect any fucking dots. Pedophilia is wrong in real life and in fiction. You’re just trying to find a way to justify this disgusting ass shit. I understand that there are boundaries but in this case, pedophilia is still wrong. Did u even read it?? The reason why they were hiding is because their relationship isn’t supposed to be like that. Which means even the author knows, yet u fucking don’t lmao.

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 3:46 am
    You really tryna defending yourself huh.. nobody is trying to connect any fucking dots. Pedophilia is wrong in real life and in fiction. You’re just trying to find a way to justify this disgusting ass shit. I... ejiroustar

    I didnt read it lawl, and yet u did. Kinsa sus rn

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 3:49 am
    I didnt read it lawl, and yet u did. Kinsa sus rn Kiku Good Boy

    Who tf read this??? I know damn well u ain’t talkin bout me bro, From the cover you can tell it’s obvious weirdo shit

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 3:50 am
    I didnt read it lawl, and yet u did. Kinsa sus rn Kiku Good Boy

    Plus, there’s something that says “photos about this manga”.. r u blind

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 3:54 am
    Who tf read this??? I know damn well u ain’t talkin bout me bro, From the cover you can tell it’s obvious weirdo shit ejiroustar

    from the cover ??? its literally such a tiny picture and the photos also, ITS A TINY PICTURE, u need big eyes to those tiny convo they had just say u actually read the shit

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:04 am
    Since you’re laughing, wanna hear something that’s also funny? It’s the fact that you had the audacity to say “i never said I supported pedophilia” after commenting “and?” when someone mentioned s... ejiroustar

    Also from this dumb argument u made, what makes you think the author of jjk doesnt support incest but the author of this dj supports pedophilia???? look how silly u sound rn

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:11 am
    from the cover ??? its literally such a tiny picture and the photos also, ITS A TINY PICTURE, u need big eyes to those tiny convo they had just say u actually read the shit Kiku Good Boy

    It’s literally titled GoYuu comic, LMFAOAOA. I’m on desktop so obviously the photos are bigger for me. I’m not about to admit to something I didn’t do, tf

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:14 am
    Also from this dumb argument u made, what makes you think the author of jjk doesnt support incest but the author of this dj supports pedophilia???? look how silly u sound rn Kiku Good Boy

    There’s a huge difference bro. One uses it as a plot/story enhancer, considering the fact that there is no romance at all in jjk. This one LITERALLY made a pedophilia dj, acknowledging the fact that they are teacher and student. I don’t need them to state they support pedophilia to know, this is proof enough. You keep proving that one of us sound stupid as shit here, and that person isn’t me

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:22 am
    There’s a huge difference bro. One uses it as a plot/story enhancer, considering the fact that there is no romance at all in jjk. This one LITERALLY made a pedophilia dj, acknowledging the fact that they are ... ejiroustar

    So its okay to use incest bc its for a plot???? but that doesnt mean they fully support it bc its for the story but this on tbe other hand is enough to convinced u that dj artist supports pedophilia stuff but arent they also using teacher-student troupe as the plot?

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:25 am
    It’s literally titled GoYuu comic, LMFAOAOA. I’m on desktop so obviously the photos are bigger for me. I’m not about to admit to something I didn’t do, tf ejiroustar

    still kinda sus u were reading the pictures if u didnt like this shit bruhhhh

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:27 am
    So its okay to use incest bc its for a plot???? but that doesnt mean they fully support it bc its for the story but this on tbe other hand is enough to convinced u that dj artist supports pedophilia stuff but ... Kiku Good Boy

    There is no plot, this is just sex LMAOO. Ofc it’s okay to use incest as a plot, the jjk author isn’t romanticizing it or saying is okay in any way. This author is clearly romanticizing pedophilia. Stop acting like a dumbass. There’s also something that’s so hilarious.. I just checked out your profile and saw that u read shotacon shit. BAHAAHAHAHA that’s so ironic.. a grown ass man and someone who looks like a legit 4 year old. Smh, you tryna defend this author AND you read weirdo shit, pick a struggle bro

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:29 am
    still kinda sus u were reading the pictures if u didnt like this shit bruhhhh Kiku Good Boy

    hmm, u read shot a shit and yer trying to defend this dj.. sus asf bruh

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:35 am
    There is no plot, this is just sex LMAOO. Ofc it’s okay to use incest as a plot, the jjk author isn’t romanticizing it or saying is okay in any way. This author is clearly romanticizing pedophilia. Stop act... ejiroustar

    which one??? I read so much and i dont even read shotacon troupes how high r u rn

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:36 am
    hmm, u read shot a shit and yer trying to defend this dj.. sus asf bruh ejiroustar

    im more sus of u for reading the whole plot for this, kinda sus rn

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:38 am
    im more sus of u for reading the whole plot for this, kinda sus rn Kiku Good Boy

    bro.. there’s no plot and I didn’t read it, the fact u this pedophilia and flat out illegal sex dj has a plot is real sus tho ngl

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:39 am
    which one??? I read so much and i dont even read shotacon troupes how high r u rn Kiku Good Boy

    Bro, https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shiba_kun_to_shepherd_san/. That’s a legit 4 year old. You make no sense. “I don’t even read shotacon troupes” oh? But you read mangas with disgustingly young look “bottoms”? Hmmmm

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:41 am
    Bro, https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/shiba_kun_to_shepherd_san/. That’s a legit 4 year old. You make no sense. “I don’t even read shotacon troupes” oh? But you read mangas with disgustingly young look... ejiroustar

    Help... Tell me youre joking rn.... THEYRE BOTH STUDENTS !! top dude is just his senpai theyre in there college

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:42 am
    bro.. there’s no plot and I didn’t read it, the fact u this pedophilia and flat out illegal sex dj has a plot is real sus tho ngl ejiroustar

    anyways I got no time to argue w yo dumbass but calling the ppl reading this freaks, weirdos and telling them to kys isnt making you any way better. and you did this for what? no one is gonna give u a trophy and say hey u did it! u stopped pedophilia and the world is now a better place. if youre so bothered by this, real people out there are suffering its better to be more concerned to them than these two drawing fucking each other.

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:45 am
    Help... Tell me youre joking rn.... THEYRE BOTH STUDENTS !! top dude is just his senpai theyre in there college Kiku Good Boy

    Yeah, that’s why I said grown ass man. Are u seriously ignoring what I said about that guy looking like a 4 year old?? I give not one fuck about whether or not he’s in college. He has the body of a 4 year old boy, therefore that is shotacon shit.

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:50 am
    Yeah, that’s why I said grown ass man. Are u seriously ignoring what I said about that guy looking like a 4 year old?? I give not one fuck about whether or not he’s in college. He has the body of a 4 year o... ejiroustar

    Oh dear god, help me w this person. Shotacon is someone who is into underage boys not looking like one

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 4:52 am
    Yeah, that’s why I said grown ass man. Are u seriously ignoring what I said about that guy looking like a 4 year old?? I give not one fuck about whether or not he’s in college. He has the body of a 4 year o... ejiroustar

    oh dear lord god, help me w this person. do you even know what shotacon means or do u just assume that if a man looks young thats shotacon.

    雨 ᴶᴱᴬᴺ ˢᴵᴹᴾ June 4, 2021 4:52 am

    Y'all got so much time to argue

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:55 am
    anyways I got no time to argue w yo dumbass but calling the ppl reading this freaks, weirdos and telling them to kys isnt making you any way better. and you did this for what? no one is gonna give u a trophy an... Kiku Good Boy

    BRO IM FUCKING SHITTING MYSELF RN LMFAOAOA, not the “I got no time to argue” card after we’ve been going back and forth for almost 2 days.. LMAOO. Tell people to kts does make me better. Since I’m trying to rid the world of such disgusting ass people.. I did this because I could. I’m not sure of why you replied to me, considering the fact that I supposedly wasn’t talking about u and weren’t aiming it towards u lol. I don’t need a fucking trophy or anyone’s validation, I need the people who enjoy this to rot. That’s why I said kys, silly. I know full and well real people are suffering. Not too long ago I had a 2-3 day argument with a person about that (I was victorious obviously lmao). I’m also a victim of pedophilia so it’s not like idk what I’m talking about. I can be concerned about this if I want to, what you shouldn’t be concerned about is this situation.. since you said that u didn’t read this and u don’t support it. The comment I made under this was directed towards the people who read this and have no problem with this so regarding the fact that you SUPPOSEDLY don’t fall into those categories, why are u going still doing this with me? It isn’t any of your business in the first place, right?

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:57 am
    oh dear lord god, help me w this person. do you even know what shotacon means or do u just assume that if a man looks young thats shotacon. Kiku Good Boy

    Shotacon, abbreviated from Shōtarō complex, is, in Japanese contexts, the attraction to young boy characters, or media centered around this attraction. That’s what the definition is. Although that character is not a young boy, he still looks like a 4 year old. There is no difference other than the fact he isn’t young.

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 4:58 am
    Y'all got so much time to argue 雨 ᴶᴱᴬᴺ ˢᴵᴹᴾ

    Ofc ofc, I’ll make time to argue with anyone who wants to. Especially on important topics like these

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 5:10 am
    Shotacon, abbreviated from Shōtarō complex, is, in Japanese contexts, the attraction to young boy characters, or media centered around this attraction. That’s what the definition is. Although that character... ejiroustar

    oh dear god, help me w this person but they arent a young boy?????? he might look like one but hes not a minor??? what are u gonna tell me now oOOOOOh that pedophilia bc he looks young

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 5:17 am
    oh dear god, help me w this person but they arent a young boy?????? he might look like one but hes not a minor??? what are u gonna tell me now oOOOOOh that pedophilia bc he looks young Kiku Good Boy

    Lemme show u what u sound like rn.. “Shotacon? Me no read shotacon! Shotacon weird weird, shake my headdd.. Oh!? Manga with really really young looking boy and a old looking man :O?!!! Me like that!! That good to read!! Yes yes!!”

    Kiku Good Boy June 4, 2021 5:21 am
    Lemme show u what u sound like rn.. “Shotacon? Me no read shotacon! Shotacon weird weird, shake my headdd.. Oh!? Manga with really really young looking boy and a old looking man :O?!!! Me like that!! That goo... ejiroustar

    then wtf is the problem ??? hes legally not young and youre bothered he looked young??? oh dear lord

    ejiroustar June 4, 2021 12:58 pm
    then wtf is the problem ??? hes legally not young and youre bothered he looked young??? oh dear lord Kiku Good Boy

    Oh so it’s fine that he looks like a little boy? Last night I skipped through the manga and it’s not like they don’t do sexual stuff, they do that shit while his body looks like my 3 yr old brother’s. That’s no different than reading cp. He’s literally suspiciously young looking and u don’t see a problem, typical mf who defends shit like this. I guess you’re into that though so ig I can’t stop u

kawaikooo June 3, 2021 3:16 am

woah this unlocked something in me\ buff men in lingerie >>>

    Slut June 3, 2021 3:25 am

    Come and join my religion n

    Na shi_666 June 3, 2021 4:58 am
    Come and join my religion n Slut


    tttop June 3, 2021 5:26 am
    Come and join my religion n Slut

    Sign me up

    kawaikooo June 3, 2021 5:29 am
    Come and join my religion n Slut


kawaikooo June 2, 2021 3:16 pm

TIDDIES (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

kawaikooo June 2, 2021 2:06 am

teru and daia are so cute <333

kawaikooo June 2, 2021 12:43 am

it wasnt that bad unlike the first one in where he fucking bit it omfg

kawaikooo June 1, 2021 4:51 pm

can someone summarize whats happening im so confused omg

kawaikooo May 31, 2021 3:18 pm

this is my favorite

kawaikooo May 30, 2021 4:22 pm

i never knew how badly i wanted to see a big tiddie man in cow print

kawaikooo May 30, 2021 3:52 pm

only clicked because hange is so dang cute ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

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