(sorry pls don't read if you don't wanna be spoiled)
(just don't)
(it's a very detailed spoiler with the help of mtl and my lil KR knowledge)
(warned ya)
Ch 15 - Eungyo (ML) shows Sunwoo (MC) some top grade medical equipment or lab facilities. MC even tried them firsthand and got a health check up in the most high tech way. Our tsundere ML even held MC's hand while taking some blood sample, oh well... Then the machine declared MC has 92.4% chances of pregnancy, in which MC just laughed out loud, saying it is absurd, like "no way I'm a male, I can't get pregnant" thingy so ML called the staff to check why is the machine not working properly. A staff guessed it could be some blood stain left by a previous visitor who used the machine, but ML checked all the morning data and there's no guest diagnosed as pregnant. So ML told them to check all visitor lists and their diagnoses, while MC is internalizing this diagnosis of him that MAYBE he IS pregnant.
Ch 16 - Setting skip to MC's brother (Sunjoong)'s workplace. MC requested to get an ultrasound so they did. After confirming MC is really pregnant, MC cheered that his experiment was successful as evidenced by the embryo but got an earful from his brother, of course. And when asked who got him pregnant, he said it's ML. MC's brother couldn't believe that his little brother had sex with a "sunbae" but then he advised MC to do the right thing because ML did not know MC is doing such an experiment.
Ch 17 - MC was told to take a maternity leave from lab (minimum of 2 months, maximum of 3 yrs). Also, he was told to get an agreement/consent form from ML, to not mention parental rights/custody, and since abortion is dangerous for his health due to the umbilical cord naturally formed thru cell division attached to an artificial womb, he must give birth. There's a theory that he can only house the fetus at 5 months maximum, then it will be placed in an incubator. The rest is just bantering and advice from Seyoon, MC's legal advisor, with the presence of MC's brother. MC mentioned the incident in Ch 15 wherein ML's company has a comprehensive blood screening machine, that he took a test there and the machine showed a pregnancy result. So he was told to call ML and just say he was taking a hormonal drug as a diet, and that drug increased his HCG which was incorrectly detected as pregnancy. Before MC could call ML, his phone started ringing, showing ML is suddenly calling him.
Ch 18 - Setting skip to ML's workplace, wherein ML recalled (flashback) how MC abruptly excused himself last time (in Ch 15) because of an urgent matter which left ML and his staff confused. Back to present, he received from his secretary the visitors list and rechecking result of the machines and confirmed that they are all working properly. So he called MC and they talked over the phone. He told the MC that the error only occurred to MC so he suggested MC to take another test. MC told him about the HCG diet that he got from his brother and ML believed it considering MC's appetite recently. MC told ML he took a vacation leave due to stress eating, and it will last for about half a year. They ended the phone call with a meet up sched by tomorrow evening because MC mentioned he need ML's help regarding an experiment.
Ch 19 - ML hangs out with his brothers and discuss family matters. ML found out MC has been avoiding him and now MC wants help regarding experiment. He almost cancelled the reservation but glad he didn't. It's just too much discussion, flashbacks and imagery here.
Ch 20 - MC goes to ML's company with the consent form in his pocket, planning to get ML's sign on it. ML already in the lobby so they went out the company bldg. MC's brother reminded him to get the consent form signed, no matter what. It looks like a filler chapter because nothing really happened that mattered.
Ch 21 - I think the first panels were a flashback wherein ML met with his brother, Eunho, and reminded him of their family matters about grandchild thingy. Back to the present time, ML having dinner with MC. MC asked the wrong question that led to ML saying he doesn't have any plans of marriage or raising children (irritated that the word "baby" is a convo topic again). MC asked again IF, like ONLY IF ML did get someone pregnant unintentionally, what would he do. ML said it's the pregnant woman's rights to abort it if she wants to, or give birth, and obtain full parental custody, ML wouldn't mind. ML would give enough child support but no more than that. It ended with ML suspecting the matter relates to MC.
Ch 22 - MC hardly denied it. That he is not pregnant. Of course ML found it absurd, he just thought MC had a one night stand with someone and now asking advice from ML. MC then told it was his brother who had that "incident". There will be some smut panels because ML imagined fucking MC right then and there at the table with all the foods but then snapped out of it when the waitress came in. Also, MC hardly refused ML's invitation to drink some alcohol. In the end, MC did not get ML to sign the consent form (it seems MC teared the paper or crumpled it?)
Ch 23 - MC went to a place called "Daegwallyeong" and texted his brother to not look for him and told him he will come back after giving birth. So Sunjoong, MC's brother, discussed the situation with Seyoon, the legal advisor, that MC ran away to the only place he could think of, their grandfather's house at Daegwallyeong. And all the possibilities if MC will keep it a secret, of course no one will believe MC gave birth to a child. Then it ended with ML trying to contact MC but MC is unreachable.
Ch 24 - It's been 5 days since ML last met MC. ML asked his younger brother, Eunsoo, on what's going on with MC. Eunsoo said MC is on a vacation trip and traveled alone. So ML ordered Secretary Kim to find out MC's whereabouts but Sec Kim reported that there were no news of MC's location, even in SNS. ML figured he could ask MC's brother, Sunjoong.
Ch 25 - ML met with MC's brother and talked about what MC said about the parental rights thingy. Sunjoong then clarified that he is not the one who had that "mistake", but rather, it is his younger brother, MC, who was involved. The whole chapter was just a conversation between these two, with too much imagery and beating around the bush. ML warned Sunjoong to tell only the truth. That's how ML found out MC is avoiding the matter in the meantime, and will come back after 8 months with a baby. In the end, Sunjoong told ML where MC could possibly be, and ML is now on his way to Daegwallyeong.
NOTE: Sunjoong did not exactly say it word per word that MC is pregnant. It's just that MC is involved in a "mistake" which led him to take a vacation leave and come back with a baby. It seems ML is thinking MC had a one night stand with someone and has to take the matter in his own hands secretly.
If you have the means, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could please help in finding the raw novel of this webtoon (other than the official one lol).
ps. If you will ask for the link to the raw manhwa, you can search its korean title on *k***n, it's a clean and safe Korean site, NO ADS, NO P*RN whatsoever. And if you have no idea about this site, you can send me a private message so that I can send you the link (only if anyone's yet to drop the link in replies).
pps. If you don't know how to send a private message, try scrolling further down my page and it will take you to the "send mail" button (for mobile version) or swiping to the right (for desktop version). A little effort won't hurt.
2024-06-14 00:18 marked
does anyone have raw link of red candy??
2021-09-20 18:24 marked
(SPOILER) up to Ch25 in the raw manhwa, sched is every Monday at 10pm KST