I haven't read this for a while because I got really disgusted by Qiyu. Could anyone tell me, help me understand why I'm no longer seeing Yu'er, the empress? Is she dead already? Can't remember if it was mentioned. Help please. What chapter mentioned this. Thank you!
Yuer is just not in this novel. It is kinda stupid because I cannot imagine him not to intervene after what he went thru. Then maybe his son would not be such a cruel idiot.
I was thinking the same. The moments I randomly read an update, Yuer is not around which made me think whether he's still alive or not. No mention of him at all so far on the available chapter? I thought I just missed something
I went over the chapters again as I can't get over the fact that there was cheating. Thankfully it was just Jeebin's nightmare? Am I right. The cheating was just. A nightmare right?
Stumbled upon this and I think the art is good, but I'm wondering if this is a love triangle. Enlighten me please, before I even start reading to prep my heart. Thank you!
Did he really have a miscarriage? I thought it was just some sort of false pregnancy for rabbits?