like just one comment isn’t enough i need to SP4M?? you guys talking about how terrible his character is but he is both ugly inside AND outside it’s surprising that hes a influencer with that broccoli head of his wig looking ass hair i seriously bursted a laugh hes also NOT the one to body shame with that twig body.. like… come on
while hyesungs design is cute and handsome how come that rat face phineas head look like that?? im genuinely shoked how stinky he looks like i can smell the starving and black coffee breathe from screen you guys his horrible lips that granny ass glasses crazy looking hair like god.. i wish i knew more adjectives in english so that i could cuss him out more also the way i cant start to talk about his personality because of how ugly he is.. let me take a breake
ur literally a poet and ur mastery of the english language has me floored. 3 separate comments and all of them full of hate for jungwon. i love it. ill gice u a few more: serpentine, manipulative, slimy, conniving, rancid, putrid, sleazy... just to bulk up ur personal dictionary
KDCĞWKĞWFÖĞFWMĞEMDĞDLŞ thanks for helping a girl out conniving, rancid and putrid are fr the word i hear for the first time thanks again