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翔sho created a topic of Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet

I can't express how much love I hold for this manga, I binged it all in one sitting and I'm telling you thus far that I don't regret it one bit. Tsubaki chou-lonely planet really made me go on a roller coaster ride full of emotions, I was laughing, smiling, giggling, blushing, crying, punching the air and every emotion you could possibly think of while reading this manga. The main couple taught me a lot of things when it comes to relationships, and It's that it's a two-way communication. You communicate and your partner does as well, there will be times that conflict will arise but by talking it out and knowing the other person's side of the story will go a mile away. They taught me how to be patient and love fully. Yes, you will get angry and yes you might fight but at the end of the day, you love one another enough to come back to each other's arms after spending time apart and telling them how you really feel in the end. There will be failed relationships, yes. But that doesn't mean you won't meet the one, one day. People will either leave and teach you a lesson, or they will stay and guide you and support you until the end of your journey. To end this review, I would like to say that this manga made me believe there might be somewhere out there in the universe that is my other half. Like how ohno was to akatsuki. So, Thank you for reading this review and you should totes read this. Goodluck on your journey! ヾ(☆▽☆)