This is growing into brainwashing techniques and stockholm syndrome, and it actually angers and disgusts me that it's being borderline romanticised. I wasn't a massive fan of this manhwa in the first place so I didn't feel much for the characters in the beginning, but this latest direction is just inexcusable and I'm surprised at myself by how much this riles me up. Jinha better get his arse in there quick before this turns into torture porn trash.

I seriously..just want jinha to find someone else. And let that chinese do f*** all to siwon so hed learn my son jinha's worth the hard way. That he would possess some brains after all that happening to him that its HIM and his stupid actions that brought that to him and not jinha. >:((( how dare he blame jinha for his actions.

I can't express how much I love this yaoi. There is so much I love about it, I can't sum it up in one comment. The one thing I remember from when I first read this manga was the moment I knew this is one-of-a-kind: it was during the chapter where Kei-chan dressed up like a girl, and Mii-kun's reaction was to be sensitive about the subject in consideration of the drag queen character, even going farther by being supportive if Kei-chan was going through a transition. My God, it was so respectful. So refreshing to see that in a BL genre.
I love Mii-kun's character as he experiences loneliness as a homosexual. That's so relateable to me as a lonely lesbian, lol. He's so sympathetic after losing both his parents - all he wants is to be loved, it hurts my heart to read those earlier chapters where his relationship with Kei-chan was uncertain. I don't blame him at all for turning to one-night stands. Even Kei-chan says it's unfair to hold any contempt after 6 years of uncertainty between them. I've had long-distance relationships like that, and it's so painful. But when he does move to Tokyo, Kei-chan is so perfect as his partner. I love how happy he makes Mii-kun.
I love this so much. Every new update makes my day, sincerely.

This one deserves a standing ovation! My god, what an amazing story! Though it shows that it's definitely a product of its time, it proves more than once to be ahead of the mid-90s.
One major factor I have to praise this for is the fact that this is probably one of the very few and horribly rare mangas to depict the real struggle that rape victims have to go through. So often in yaoi, victims of rape are seen having sex with their love interest immediately after the incident almost like a "cleanse", when in reality the very last thing that a rape victim wants to do is to be touched or violated. Whereas in NYNY, there is counselling, discussion, patience, understanding, basically everything that is essential for a healthy recovery. I'm grateful for seeing that done well.
Though it certainly has its flaws, like the random infidelities (Mel was WAY too forgiving about one in particular) and the constant damsel-in-distress trope, the entire journey is worth the read. Amazing. The conclusion destroyed me.

I liked this a lot! I understand this might not be to everyone's tastes, it's fairly hard-hitting overall, but honestly I feel this really highlights the painful hardships that relationships go through - especially gay relationships. People can be insecure and irrational, letting things get messy and out of hand... and most of all, it's so easy to hurt the ones we love if you know the right words to hit with. No one's perfect, it's a human thing to do.
What I love about this manga is the morbid sense of humour each character has to desperately hide their emotions. I feel like everyone tries their best to appear more understanding than they want to be, when all they really want to do is give in to their selfishness and throw tantrums. Especially when it comes to love. It's bittersweet, and so relateable.
I've been in Imagase's shoes before and it does not feel good - loving too much in a doomed 'casual' relationship and erratically throwing our loved ones through a loop with our mood swings, totally plagued by the question; 'how much love is enough to satisfy me?'. I'm happy it worked out for him. Even if the ending doesn't promise good things in the future, because it's just like a real relationship. As addictive and beautiful love makes us feel, oh my god the fear and the uncertainty... it's the most difficult thing.
This was a one-of-a-kind yaoi, What a rollercoaster! Definitely not the kind to get emotionally invested in, for sure. But I liked its brutal honesty and the incoherent pacing that breaks through the usual yaoi tropes. While it's not a perfect read, there's tons of aspects worth its praise!

this is one of my fav. and I agree . This manga shows what it is like to be desperate and in love. It is about a gay couple, but the feelings and emotions written about shows how irrational people can become where love is involved and the lengths that people will go to for it. It shows just how human we are. We hurt, get hurt and hurt others all for love.
The stockholm syndrome is very strong #-.-)