Oh my god i cannot express how this is the most PERECT FUCKING LOVE STORY EVER!!! Omg i cant they are so perfect for one another and this truly cldv ended up so tragic but it didn't and im so happy but its just perfect. A love so strong for each other that one wants to kill and the other is willing to be killed. I am not lying when I say the shit Dosung was saying had me DOWN BAD. Hes so insanely in love with her and wanting to kill and harm her like god that kinda love is so insane. Its like having cuteness aggression max 100. Whats even cuter is when he said tht although quite literally his biology wanted him to genuinely kill her his love for her outweighed that. Like thats so insane. Dont even get me started on my girl bcs shes so loving and perfect i never once doubted she wld run away from him. The devotion and love she has for him is insane while also still being perfectly badass and strong in her own ways. Like if my man told me he wanted to kill me over and over again id be shitting my pants and my girl was like “he js confessed fr”. Shes the truest non chalant lover out there I admire her and aspire to reach that typa devotion. This story in general rlly fleshed out the different archetypes and characters pf their world and I love how everyone was well described and perfectly made and still understandable to the “type” they were assigned. I esp love how they trick us into thinking maybe Lee liked Dosung but she stays pure to her type as a perfect example of a destroy. Really this story is my perfect cup of tea that balances out a obsessive love story without making the female lead super weak or making the guy an crazy abusive asshole. Bcs this story rlly treaded the line with that and show us how easily it cldv turned into that but that's js not how the character ls
are and its perfect. I am going to read this over and over until I die. Im quite literally a shut for this story.