Yet another disgusting manwha with rape, violence etc. I really hate it, there is something wrong with the author. Who wants to read one where both mcs are disgusting?
That is stupidly big it becomes a joke, like, do the artist not see it being too big? Should have studied anatomy a little more.
I hate two faced people, that blonde guy can put on a happy face while talking to mc but then goes and talks shit about him behind his back. He even talks rudely to mc when he feels like it, truly a nasty person.
I do agree that he shouldn't "treat him like a girl" when he doesn't want to. The top was making all sorts of excuses relating it to the bottom's "feminine" attributes. He seemed very unsympathetic.
I swear, everytime I see the seme talk I want to slap his face, utterly vile human being. I would have committed murder long ago if I were the uke.
Oh, must be nice being so delulu. It is your fault from the start, don't be a little sh*t to others and expect nothing back. Honestly the immature way they all talk is very cringe. They are in their 20s and they talk like that, pls grow up. Also, it is frustrating that mc always loses when it comes to the talking and the game. He gets nothing, no money and he gets pulled around by the delulu guy. I et he would be the uke too, like, he doesn't get to "win" in any way. I hate the manipulative mentality when guys think just give it some time, they will eventually be worn down and like me. Makes me puuuuke
"You are so weak, you should just listen to me". The moment he said that I lost ALL hope for him, it is up there with all the most ahole, pig, misogynistic things I have ever read. Sho, go f urself to enternity u temperamental manchild rpist.