does anyone have any idea about who the partner of their kids are because in kiss me liar both pete and cecil were obsessed with spencer so do those kids have any official pairing?
need the fuck as live action to get canceled fast knew they were gonna ruin this masterpiece when they decided to cast people based of popularity/brand value because in no way shape of form do ahn hyeoseop and lee minho give kdj and yjh
niche freak, short/twink seme hater, TPO aware
Slowing down for now
complaining about other people’s media consumption
is not activism, drawings and fictional characters do not have rights
and the media you choose to consume doesn’t make you a good or bad person, we’re about two seconds (in the us) from criminalizing queerness grow up and get perspective
please leave if you are a minor, I have nothing for you
i was wondering if there's going to be more side stories to it set in different universes or something similar. does anyone have any idea about it?
does anyone knows what happened to that tutor toma had who low-key had a crush on minjun
just saw a thread on twitter calling jo a narcissist with personality disorder and ngl it made me giggle a little like twitter fans are so dumb
i enjoyed the novel a little to much so if anyone has any recommendations for novels similar to this one please share
yall fuck this shit and watch Interview With The Vampire it's got real good plot with messy gay vampires and i want it to get renewed