I think a lot of people forget that being pro-choice also applies to situations like this. Ultimately, this is Sachi’s choice. Is it a shitty situation and she might regret it later? Sure, but we still have to respect her decision because it’s her body and her choice. If she finds it’ll be easier to abort, still her choice. This isn’t going to be easy one way or the other, but there are always options in life whether we think there are or not. It would just make it a hell of a lot easier if the people around Sachi got their heads out of their asses and were there for her even if they don’t support her decision.
While I agree with you, keep in mind that in Japan they have a strong anti-abortion mentality because they consider abortion = murder, and that greatly influences women's decisions.
I agree that teenage mothers should be given more options and treated with more respect, but I also think that abortion should be normalized and not seen as a desperate measure that makes you feel guilty.
(now please don’t hurt us too bad)