ManhwasAndMangoes want to do ( All 2 )

get yaoi manga book write a book

ManhwasAndMangoes's experience ( All 0 )

ManhwasAndMangoes's answer ( All 2 )

Yep! Throw some random anime or manga in my face and I'll definitely watch/read it. I love all sorts of anime (apart from Boku no Pico) and manga and am willing to read/watch anything.   reply
18 02,2017
Well one is heights, two losing everyone I know and love, three the paranormal, and last but not least getting caught reading yaoi or yuri. It's not much to others but to me, just thinking about it sends a chill down my spine.   reply
18 02,2017

ManhwasAndMangoes's question ( All 2 )

Hopefully I'm not alone otherwise, that'll be awkward.
18 02,2017
I have luckily escaped numerous likely scenarios but have you? If so tell us about it.
18 02,2017

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@murcielago dare i say, we are...two halves of a whole, true laziness is infact- ME and only me, you impostor!!

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want to do pegging a dude


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want to do pegging a dude

@lazy_potato, perhaps we are one

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