idk how all of u r saying u want the redhead back.. like i could not read a single side chapter w him hes a piece of shit i mean the main couple isn’t perfect either but 10x better than red guy

Cuz I PERSONALLY like that typa shit. Seeing him actually get fucked up like that and then how bad he longed for the one person who fucked him up? He was a horrible person but shit happened to him AND well now.. u hh h h hh TO PUT IT SIMPLY
It’s like seeing a powerful and cruel person finally get put in their place..but while that happens it reveals the background/ real personality & wants behind that person. I personally believe Dk just wants someone to lean on, but his family expects so much of him that he grew to be a horrible and stubborn fuck up. His story has so much potential, drama & tragedy to it that causes readers to want more. + he’s fucking hot and him turning into a BOTTOM BOY flipped switches.

this art style is so familiar... i swear i have read another story from the same artist before can anyone help me? not "Just One Smile is Very Alluring"

i think it's this
im not sure tho
I let out a snort in the beginning panel when ml turns his head and smiles cause why his chin shaped like a candy corn bro is pointer than the dorito chips I'm eating rn