Peon answered question about question
omg- here me out y'all i'm straight but-
Peon asked question about cooking

Piss kinks and shit kinks are EQUALLY bad. Like fr... i'm concerned if this is ACTUALLY your kink...the bacteria bro.

Peon asked question about cooking it's so pwetty

Peon answered question about cooking
Peon asked question about cooking

Y'all search up "stevens646411851" TW: Jumpcare hehehehhe uwu's

Peon followed question about question

you sussy bAkAs reeee furry supremact OwO regulaR humAnd are so borangggg furries are so much beteer like niCk from ZoOtopiaa he's so seggzy oawarrr oli london seggzy baka kawaii opar whoS you're favorite oPpar? uwu

28 05,2021
Peon asked question about question

you sussy bAkAs reeee furry supremact OwO regulaR humAnd are so borangggg furries are so much beteer like niCk from ZoOtopiaa he's so seggzy oawarrr oli london seggzy baka kawaii opar whoS you're favorite oPpar? uwu

Peon asked question about question

you sussy bAkAs reeee furry supremact OwO regulaR humAnd are so borangggg furries are so much beteer like niCk from ZoOtopiaa he's so seggzy oawarrr oli london seggzy baka kawaii opar whoS you're favorite oPpar?

Peon asked question about question

But there's so many videos of taehyung being a furry....

Peon answered question about question
wow this comment section switched up, what happened to all the mfs saying "this makes us uncomfortable" and now y'all just don't want to be fetishized? All the questions telling fujos to stop reading yaoi and now mfs don't care jeez did y'all even care to begin with?
Peon answered question about you're a serial killer
I'm fr sick and tired of this "cancel culture" when it comes to celebrities, y'all ONLY care when it's a celebrity. i just typed some racist as shit on tiktok and twitter and didn't get a single fucking reply. This shows how "woke" y'all are, only caring when it comes from a celebrity or influencer. Do better, and stop with this fake woke shit.
Peon asked question about you're a serial killer

i want to start of by saying this is mainly directed at twitter and tiktok users. As a part of genz. This generation is dumb, i said what i said. Y'all did do some good by un- normalizing the weird shit that was normalized, so props for that. HOWEVER, y'all are the cause of your own fall. You make people be quiet and then in the meantime as they......

Peon shared experience about have sex
As a part of genz. This generation is dumb, i said what i said. Y'all did do some good by un- normalizing the weird shit that was normalized, so props for that. HOWEVER, y'all are the cause of your own fall. You make people be quiet and then in the meantime as they are quiet they're getting a platform, money, wealth, and fame. Millions of dollars,......
Peon answered question about committed a crime
fr, people have no right to put me in the oven without my consent. The fetihizzing is getting out of hand
Peon asked question about have sex

As a part of genz. This generation is dumb, i said what i said. Y'all did do some good by un- normalizing the weird shit that was normalized, so props for that. HOWEVER, y'all are the cause of your own fall. You make people be quiet and then in the meantime as they are quiet they're getting a platform, money, wealth, and fame. Millions of dollars......

Peon answered question about have sex
gen-z is one of the dumbest generations ever. "we don't accept bullshit anymore" MY ASS. Y'all force people to be quiet and then let them build up a platform, gain money, become famous, but the second they mess up it's cancel time. Mfs if y'all let people voice the opinions you don't like such as homophobia or racism THEY WON'T get the opportunity ......
Peon followed question about question

I just dont want to accept this theory at all there should be at least some magical stuff going around the world right now and also when the first human appeared.

25 05,2021
Peon answered question about question
My theory is we did evolve, god had nothing to do with it tho. probably some inbredding ig