Peon asked question about question

for example: me: "i don't believe in god" mom: "your a kid, you don't know what to believe"

Peon followed question about question Like bro it was just a joke

25 05,2021
Peon answered question about question
I didn't know accusing someone of being homophobic was a joke.
Peon asked question about being unschooled

What's one part of the female body that ISN'T being sexualized? What's this "grown" concept? "red hair is too grown" Why do female (children) have to watch the way they dress when male family members come over? What's the point of school? Like fr if were going to get a career in the end what's the point of unnecessarily learning stuff that's com......

Peon asked question about liking ur own comment

What's one part of the female body that ISN'T being sexualized? What's this "grown" concept? "red hair is too grown" Why do female (children) have to watch the way they dress when male family members come over? What's the point of school? Like fr if were going to get a career in the end what's the point of unnecessarily learning stuff that's c......

Peon answered question about liking ur own comment
smh, to clarify what i agree on. That the word comes from our oppressors. And it got passed on to different races as there "slang" THAT i somewhat agree with.
Peon answered question about perspective on life
You can't be educated if you don't clear up the misunderstanding. I think everyone should have freedom of speech, regardless of if it's ignorant or not. Not everyone is going to agree on something and they don't have to.
Peon asked question about liking ur own comment Thoughts? Personally i somewhat agree with what he's saying.

Peon asked question about question

I need pictures of jimin in jean. Y'know tht photoshoot where jimin was wearing jean material? Yeah i need those.

Peon asked question about question
Peon shared experience about virginity
Y'all ever just cum so hard you can taste the lust in your mouth while your legs shake and your toes curl, even tho you literally only see black and white while you lay there trying to catch your breath,focus on your vision, and stop shaking? so creamy~
Peon shared experience about cry over a song
right, and then y'all wonder why, damn.
Peon answered question about how to make friends
And there got that off my chest for anyone who wanted to say it but was to scared to be canceled. And not to mention most of the adults NOW are Millennials who aren't even caught up to the "they/them" or another pronoun usage. Please expandbeyond the internet.
Peon asked question about how to make friends

some of y'all are detached from reality. when it comes to pronouns you can't expect someone to go up to you and ask "what are your pronouns?" it's less than likely going to happen. No one is going to be able to determine, "oh they look like they use they/them pronouns." Because besties the Realityis if you LOOK feminine or have female attributes yo......

Peon answered question about birthday
Happy birthday you lil freak, you creep me the hel out. I never thought i'd meet someone weirder than me, one more year another day weird.