So this is pretty funny to me though it shouldn’t be by the way I’m 6’2 and kinda muscular because I’ve been practicing kick boxing since I was like 12 so basically I was going to visit my cousin who lives in the hood and as I walked to the front of the building two guys stopped me and were like are you a t slur and I was like wtf and so I ......
Ex-fucking-actly! Yo, when I first discovered this site I knew it was illegal and I'm this close to failing school. IT DOESN'T EVEN TAKE ROCKET SCIENCE TO KNOW THIS SITE IS ILLEGAL. The recent incident should've been an eye-opener for those dumbasses who keep sharing it publicly but nooooo, these mfs keep doing it. Like, an online friend of mine wa......
gatekeeping is good. the site was better when people just read and shut up and there was less of yall. 9been here since 2017 but deleted old acc btw). now we have all these annoying niggas tryna moralize manga and ignoring illegal sight ettiquite. I do think yall should stop talking about it on social media bc then half of the annoying mfs wouldn'......
your worst experience with a man