Hibiya is a beta. but because of Anaphylaxis, his hormones turn him into an Omega. Yamagi a beta too (but he is lying, in fact he is an alpha). he joins the Hibiya research and confesses if he admires Hibiya and tells him that they have met before, but Hibiya does not remember anything
13 years ago, when Yamagi was a little kid, he met the young Hibiya and fell in love with him (I'm sure this is a first love) because of Hibiya's kindness
now they meet again and fall in love each other then they become mates, and have a child
Although it's a little bit sad for Hibiya, finally they are happy (●'◡'●)
is it just me who think that relationship between Mixi & Shang like Domyoji and Tsukushi from Hanayori? but in boy version ofc
poor girl (boy) who had a relationship with a rich man then in the end the rich man leave her (him). But someday they will meet again and made a promise will live together in the future
I hope so for them
i like him when he treat Kotaro like this
all hail Yaoi sex scene wwwwww, OMG my tummy was hurt because of laughing