Any huge gacha games being produced that are actually just pay-to-win. NOW HOLD ON, HEAR ME OUT ON THIS. It's not just because I'm fucking poor, though that's one reason. But using real life money just to get in-game currency and gamble for some characters is so fucking stupid to me. IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID TO ME. Like what else do you get other th......
Ace attorney (every iteration) the cases are interesting and enganging and i love the dynamic between wright and edgeworth. Though that one isn't underrated. An underrated one that i love is hashihime of the old book town. I love the artstyle and every one of the love interest is just so intriguing in different way. Everytime a route unlocks you g......
only eating till i'm pleasantly full!! i used to have this habit of eating delicious food till i felt like my stomach'd burst, and the meal ended up not as good as it'd have been. so now when i feel just about full i immediately stop eating even when i really want to take just one more bite, and it has made meals so much better
I love ghosting people without an explanation and I don't feel bad about it lol. Like I'm hypersensitive and neurospicy I just don't have the energy anymore explaining to people how the littlest things they can hurt me very badly only for them to brush me off that's why I made the conscious decision to be single and friendless, it's good life.
1. Favourite bl: Orv (yjh x kdj) 2. Favourite gl: Orv (hsy x ysg) 3. Favourite straight romance: Orv (Lhs x Jhw) 4. Favourite sports: erm….orv 5. Favourite action: ORV 6. Favourite family/friendship based: ORV!! 7. Favourite psychological: Orv (it fucked me up psychologically) 8. Favourite comedy: Orv 9. Favourite tragedy: Orv 10. Finally, a ma......
Trying to control me Like I know their is a time in everybody’s life when They need someone else’s opinion or guidance but I’m not talking about that I’m talking about straight up denying my opinion and trying to control me like what I do what I eat what I say what I wear and all that shit it automatically makes me want to fucking kill mys......
"The empire that is blessed by the dragons/God/(or whatever)" like every single empire is blessed by something or someone
Trashy media