youraedthiswrogn's feed

I keep seeing so much sympathy for Wilhelm and what none of you realize is that you're falling for the same shit she did. His tragic past is real, don't get me wrong, but he knowingly weaponized it to get Reinhardt to feel sympathy and trust for him. He has reasons, but his approach in everything is to manipulate/distort the truth. To keep her blind to the things he's doing to keep her close. Yes, you could say he "loves her" and I'm sure that's what he thinks as well, but seeing everything as an ominiscisent reader, it's kinda hard not to see it as obsession. He literally views her as his goddess and reason for living. He attempted to kill Dietrich because he was an obstacle in her looking at him as a prospective partner. Despite knowing how much Dietrich meant to her and despite seeing how much it broke her. Some of you are forgetting his reaction when Dietrich was announced "dead". She ran past him in hysterics and he got *mad*... He was upset that she was paying attention to Dietrich's death instead of himself... It upset him that she wouldn't pay attention to him since he had done what she told him to. This guy has had Dietrich's cloth that she gave him since then, all while playing innocent by her side. Because he couldn't stand that Dietrich had her cloth. She just confirmed that he felt nothing for Dietrich, he found out he's still alive and drew his blade at him... Despite how well Dietrich took care of him.

Listen. Wilhelm's real character is one who will do any horrible, inhumane thing without even blinking an eye to get what he wants. Sure, his past probably brought him there, but it doesn't change that in practice, he acts like a monster. He is willing to break Reinhardt to have her. Not just willing, he did it and then played the pillar of support for her through what he was putting her through. If you guys think it's okay for him to have tried to kill her childhood friend and crush to be next to her, then you're falling for the facade he is actively using. He's trying to come across innocent/victimized so that you and Rein will be looking at all that stuff he suffered through while he schemes in the background. Those moments where he gets crazy eyes at people? That's who he really is. He's insane and will literally just cold blooded kill people to get what he wants. He has the predatory nature/thought process of a serial killer.

Rein knows how he is now because he screwed up and got caught in all his background shit. She is now looking at the real Wilhelm and is saying "holy shit. No thanks" because she herself is part of the collateral damage in obtaining her. Which honestly is probably the right choice, even if he would treat her well if she chose him. Y'all only think of that, but here pretty soon we'll see how he treats her in the face of rejection. Do you think he won't be willing to harm her to have her? He already has. He's going nuts already just from her returning to Luden... Won't surprise me if he kidnaps her.

As far as the spoilers, I'll wait and see. The dream just now does show that she had no intention of abusing the child. I think you're all forgetting that in her right mind, she's a great person, but she has a lot of mental health issues and now she's pregnant. Post partum depression is a hell of a thing. Even if it's *not* that, we see that he just had her freak out and faint by trying to manipulate her with her mother's jewels. Him bringing them was on purpose, there was an emphasis put on him telling them to pack them up. In the state he was in, it looks like it was to manipulate her. He didn't look like he had good intentions. He looks like he's going crazy. If that wasn't clear right off the bar, it was made clear when even after finding out Dietrich was alive, so coming face to face with his own machinations, he still chose to leave those gems for her to see. It's like, "oh really? You were just innocently leaving a loving gift for her while you were looking crazy AF in the palace and then after drawing a sword on Dietrich"? But it's always presented as a what-if. Like maybe he really did care about Dietrich (his excuse to Rein) or maybe he really was trying to get that back for her (though really he knows it's important to her and how he is makes him take advantage of that)