youraedthiswrogn February 28, 2017 6:44 am

I noticed that only 498 people have voted to get this to a 9.1 rating, which is pretty cool, what bothers me is that ONLY 498 people voted. I'm worried that not many people know about this manga which would be a fucking travesty. It's literally on it's own tier, when i find a REALLY FUCKING GOOD yaoi i say it on complex level (still yet to find anything that stands beside it as an equal despite all the masterpieces out there). Anyone hesitating on reading this because of the comments saying things like "i'm crying right now", don't, they don't mean it in a negative way. Don't get me wrong, you WILL cry, but only because the story is just that good and portrayed in SUCH a good way. The main story has a happy ending, though it's not quite so clear cut as to describe it as just a "happy ending". There're aspects you'll have to analyze yourself and decide if you're happy. The main issue with the ending of the main story being Tatsutrash. Seriously, he is SUCH a fucking asshole. There is only one other girl in this manga that matches his asshole-ery (may the bitch rot in hell, that's right, i'm happy with how that turned out : D ). The side story has a bittersweet ending more on the bitter side, but you'll be ok because everything ends relatively okay. You're going to ride an emotional roller coaster, you'll experience sadness, happiness, anger (a fucking LOT of it), anger-disgust (that feeling when it goes beyond anger to making you feel like you want to puke from the bottom of your stomach) and you're going to want to kill for junichi. You'll discover that you can sincerely want the death of someone and that you'd be okay doing it with your own hands, two people actually. Heads up, there're (that i can remember) 2 chapters with a pedophile who is mainly comic relief (i guess the first chapter with him was also a plot device) to stop you from killing yourself to stop your raging emotions. Please read this immediately.

youraedthiswrogn February 27, 2017 10:20 pm

Don't you think that maybe, in his desperation to get Subin out of his hair that night, Hyunwoo passed the drunk Subin over to the manager who then had sex with Subin? Subin and Hyunwoo live together if i'm understanding right, so after the sex the manager might have brought Subin home where Subin woke up and misunderstood the situation. Hyunwoo is now awkward because he knows what he did and feels ashamed, thus him avoiding Subin? In this scenario i'm not assuming the manager necessarily had the intentions to RAPE Subin, just that Subin was handed over, they might've talked for a while and then it led to sex because Subin confessed about his love for Hyunwoo which kick started things between him and the manager? Anyways, i don't see Hyunwoo getting with him... he's so obviously hetero.

youraedthiswrogn February 27, 2017 2:53 am

This is good enough that i could see it being ranked 10 (its at 9.1 for some reason?).

youraedthiswrogn February 25, 2017 6:02 am

Crack isn't as addictive as this manga... Finally everyone who was hoping that Bum was actually the victim can let go of their delusions and just guiltily ship them together now that they don't have to worry about it not being in Bum's best interests : ) That kill was ALL Bum, time to wake up guys. "But Sangwoo forced him to kill her! even if he didn't actually physically force him!" He didn't even tell Bum to kill her, all he said was "wanna start?". It was ALL Bum. Bum even stabbed her 12 times... does that sound guilty to you? If thats not enough he literally says "I feel nothing". Can't argue with that, Bum is just as fucked up as Sangwoo so it's safe to ship them now. Give up and join the dark side~

youraedthiswrogn February 24, 2017 3:12 am

He said we can't do this "yet"... In other words he plans on having sex with him at some point, when he decides to? He didn't seem all that surprised about the confession either... I'm calling this now, but i'm 99% sure he's purposely letting this drag on just to look at the uke's expressions. It's obvious just from reading the story that he's been keeping girls away from him since a long time ago (the uke's first girlfriend)... and he's being SUCH a tease hugging him like that on purpose knowing they're both half naked.

youraedthiswrogn February 23, 2017 1:50 am

i've watched the anime, but haven't started the manga yet, in the anime masamune doesn't really seem rapey to me so much as a little forceful if that makes sense? Maybe persistent is a better word? Is it different in the manga? I know that Ritsu always says things that make it seem like he doesn't want the advances, but it always seemed like internally he did?

    Romanceisdead69 February 23, 2017 10:48 pm

    I think it completely depends on your own outlook on ravishment etc, so best to start it and just go from there. There are a lot of extra scenes not in the manga etc so it's worth it in my opinion.

    For me personally when it comes to their love scenes and relationship, I don't like Onodera too much as he seems a very selfish lover, leaving it all to Masamune all the time because he's essentially a coward - so Masamune can come across yes as forceful but I think it's just super obvious to him (and the rest of us) how Onodera feels, he just is too scaredy cat to admit it. I think Masamune is just acting in a way that shows his relief, longing, frustration and desire for Onodera - so you don't resent him as an attacker or anything like that…rather like many of us you may resent Onodera in being hella slow for admitting his love!

youraedthiswrogn February 21, 2017 5:30 am

I'm extremely conflicted, i realize the seme has had an extremely shitty past that left him traumatized, but i also feel like he isn't worthy of the uke. The uke is so pure and full of justice, even willing to put himself in harms way for the sake of others while as the seme is literally making light of the suicidal teenager's situation and saying he doesn't care at all. It's honestly hard for me to ship them when he is SUCH a dick. Do you guys honestly WANT them together? I read their past together, so i know why we're supposed to ship them, but even then it was really just the uke being nice to the seme and us feeling sorry for the seme because of his mom. We have no real reason to like the seme as a person, just reason to pity him while as the uke is SUCH a great person. I'm still holding out hope that somehow the body is still alive with the suicidal teen in a coma somewhere, but i don't see it happening as there's no reason for him to lie about something like that. I mostly just want to see the suicidal teen get some justice and live happily after all he's been through (guess he's happy in heaven? If he goes to hell for being gay i'll become atheist and probably join him.)

    Haru February 21, 2017 5:46 am

    I mostly agree, but I don't think the seme would lie about the body being dead. He might since he seems to be pretty manipulative, but I just don't know. The uke is definitely too good for him, but seme is also the only one who knows who the uke really is. The fact that someone sees who he really is seems to help the uke stay grounded. I think I don't want them together, but uke seems to need to need seme at the moment whether uke likes it or not.

    Szara February 21, 2017 9:46 am

    The seme is an absolute asshole. He literally has NO SYMPATHY FOR A RAPE VICTIM. He said so himself that he doesn't care. And lets not forget the time he just randomly punch taemin. Other than his good looks, he has no redeeming qualities. If he was ugly, no one would be swooning over him.

    youraedthiswrogn February 22, 2017 4:13 am
    The seme is an absolute asshole. He literally has NO SYMPATHY FOR A RAPE VICTIM. He said so himself that he doesn't care. And lets not forget the time he just randomly punch taemin. Other than his good looks, h... Szara

    yes, this.

    youraedthiswrogn February 22, 2017 4:15 am
    I mostly agree, but I don't think the seme would lie about the body being dead. He might since he seems to be pretty manipulative, but I just don't know. The uke is definitely too good for him, but seme is also... Haru

    I don't know if i'm just misunderstanding, but your reply seems to imply that i'm stating that the seme was lying when he said the body is dead. I said the opposite: "i don't see it happening as there's no reason for him to lie about something like that." i said i was "holding out hope that the body is still alive".

    Padfoot February 22, 2017 5:28 pm

    I don't hate the seme, but what really irks me about Woojin is how he cannot sympathise with one of his classmates getting raped, video-taped, and labelled slut. I tried to look past that one statement he made in an earlier chapter about finding the video of Siwon's rape boring, but in this chapter he again says something like he hates taemin getting beaten up for some other guy, and that having to talk about things related to Siwon's situation is boring.
    I also read some comments stating that Siwon essentially wanted to die, and got what he wanted so we should let that whole thing go and focus on the taemin and woojin. Tbh, I really care the *most* for Siwon and how he had to endure so much abuse that he was driven to suicide.
    Like you said, I have a faint hope that Siwon is unconscious somewhere and that he eventually gets his body back. The kid deserves happiness.
    Sorry for ranting under your post, but i didn't come across any comments that i could relate to except yours. kkk

    youraedthiswrogn February 22, 2017 10:05 pm
    I don't hate the seme, but what really irks me about Woojin is how he cannot sympathise with one of his classmates getting raped, video-taped, and labelled slut. I tried to look past that one statement he made ... Padfoot

    Not at all (⌒▽⌒) i like when people respond and think about things.

youraedthiswrogn February 21, 2017 5:21 am

Where are all the adults in literally EVERY school setting omegaverse? Like, if they know that there're high chances of an omega being raped then why is there no one keeping watch? Are you telling me that 3 boys just chased an omega (all the adults should know he's an omega, isn't that the law? that they have to take a test and make that known for just these types of situations?) to the rooftop in a lusty stupor and WEREN'T seen by anyone? Even if just by another student who could tell someone? Also, why is he not wearing a collar? It seems as though parenting stops at just reminding them to take their pills and doesn't extend to actually making sure they take the pill so they wont be violently raped and impregnated by an alpha no longer in control of their instincts... Do these parents NOT care if their child gets pregnant in high school? There're just SOOOO many logic gaps in these stories.

    LessThanThree February 23, 2017 4:50 pm

    If I was a teacher I'd be in the hallway at all times, holding my yardstick, always prepared to beat the shit out of someone.

    youraedthiswrogn February 24, 2017 2:55 am
    If I was a teacher I'd be in the hallway at all times, holding my yardstick, always prepared to beat the shit out of someone. LessThanThree

    yes, though if you take into account that alphas tend to get physically abusive even during sex can you imagine what would happen if you tried to stop an alpha in heat going after an omega? I imagine you'd need some kind of stun gun or something, maybe some tranquilizers?

    LessThanThree February 24, 2017 3:07 am
    yes, though if you take into account that alphas tend to get physically abusive even during sex can you imagine what would happen if you tried to stop an alpha in heat going after an omega? I imagine you'd need... youraedthiswrogn

    I'll glue thumbtacks to my yardstick. XD

    youraedthiswrogn February 24, 2017 3:13 am
    I'll glue thumbtacks to my yardstick. XD LessThanThree

    lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

youraedthiswrogn February 19, 2017 11:48 pm

This is the continuation of the first part in erotoro18 (i think chapter 4?). So, basically it goes like this: Suzuki and Ogasawara are the main characters, suzuki used to bully a person names ogasawara back in elementary school and assumes that the person with the same exact name coming to his class is, in fact, the same ogasawara. Ogasawara goes along with Suzuki's misunderstanding and pretends to be that same ogasawara. Suzuki plans on making ogasawara the laughing stock of the class again like he did back in elementary school through various means, but ogasawara keeps playing everything off which actually has the opposite effect of what suzuki intended and makes everyone LIKE him and hate suzuki, they start to think that suzuki is bullying him (which he WAS actually attempting to do). Once suzuki is a social outcast because of all his attempts to make ogasawara into the social outcast suzuki meets the ACTUAL ogasawara he used to bully by happenstance and immediately runs to accuse imposter ogasawara of being an imposter, of course no one believes him so he runs to the restroom upset because no one believes him and now he feels lonely because no one likes him. Ogasawara follows him to the restroom, reveals that he was actually just going along with suzuki's misunderstanding of who he was because he is sexually attracted to bullies in that he likes to make them submit and rapes suzuki, taking advantage of suzuki's emotionally unstable state by talking about how no one talks to him anymore to get him to lower his defenses while he rapes him. Boku wa Ninkimono (this manga) is about what happens after all that. Basically, quite some time has passed with Ogasawara keeping suzuki isolated by acting like this goofy airhead guy that everyone knows him as so no one will suspect what is going on, he acts friendly towards suzuki in front of everyone so they'll all be like: "aww. you're SUCH a nice guy being friends with him after ALL he did to you!" which only makes everyone hate suzuki more because they're like: "how could you be like that to him", naturally isolating suzuki from everyone with ogasawara as his only "friend". Suzuki, in his desperation to have SOMEBODY, ANYBODY next to him stays with ogasawara all the while enduring being raped and beat by ogasawara when no one is looking (that is what ogasawara is talking about when he is raping suzuki on the rooftop right after it shows the two girls talking, when he says: "i'm surprised no one has come to help you, i guess no one's worried about us." he is talking about their twisted relationship over the past however many years (states suzuki was raped in 1st year, but i don't think it mentions what year they're in now.) and how no one has figured things out. People seemed confused about the last 2 or 3 pages where ogasawara is crying, i'll explain. Ogasawara thought he'd have suzuki in the palm of his hand forever, but suzuki is tired of his shit and is threatening to leave (i think he means even leaving the school as he wouldn't REALLY escape without doing so.) Why should ogasawara care if suzuki leaves you ask? This was all a twisted game to ogasawara in the first place, but suzuki kept hugging him during sex which made him fall for suzuki (remember how he kept remembering the hugging and wiping his shoulder? Has a cuter meaning now that you understand it, doesn't it?) which is why he's so upset at the end, he just got hurt physically by the person he likes while being told hes hated by that same person, thats why he says "it all your fault, why did you have to pull me closer" (extremely cute now that you know what the hell he's talking about ; D ). The moral of the story here is that Ogasawara isn't actually that adorable guy he acts like most of the story, he's actually a SUPER manipulative guy who initially rapes suzuki because he wants to make him, as a bully, submit, isolates suzuki to maintain their relationship exactly how it is and falls in love with suzuki during his imprisonment (?... no cage, but...). I don't believe for a second that this story is over, there is NO way that they're going to build the story up to its climax and then just stop it...

    youraedthiswrogn February 19, 2017 11:49 pm

    ringo, ch 4 is 1st part*

    Anonymous February 20, 2017 12:11 am

    I forgot about the first part of the story, so thanks for tying those two together (makes so much more sense now).
    Also, just to add to your fabulous synopsis, Ogasawara is walking home after hanging out with his friends and sees the cactus postcard, which reminds him of Suzuki. So he buys the postcard and gives it to Suzuki, claiming someone "sent it to him" (someone can't be honest here, huh). We see Suzuki crumble it up...but at the end, we see it in his room. So Suzuki seems conflicted in his feelings for Ogasawara. He wants it to stop, but at the same time he treasures something Ogasawara gave him. Perhaps he has fallen too, and just wanted Ogasawara to like him back

    youraedthiswrogn February 20, 2017 5:02 am
    I forgot about the first part of the story, so thanks for tying those two together (makes so much more sense now). Also, just to add to your fabulous synopsis, Ogasawara is walking home after hanging out with ... @Anonymous

    I completely agree on your point of suzuki having feelings for ogasawara! i'm really excited to see them cut the shit and become an adorable loving couple! (or at least semi-normal?)

    MassHazard March 1, 2017 10:43 pm

    Sorry to burst y'all bubbles but the mangaka died a few months ago (my condolences).... So your wish for a continuation is not possible

    youraedthiswrogn March 1, 2017 11:11 pm
    Sorry to burst y'all bubbles but the mangaka died a few months ago (my condolences).... So your wish for a continuation is not possible @MassHazard

    -cries at the loss of a really good manga and mangaka- condolences as well. (/TДT)/

    OMG March 10, 2017 6:28 am
    Sorry to burst y'all bubbles but the mangaka died a few months ago (my condolences).... So your wish for a continuation is not possible @MassHazard


youraedthiswrogn February 17, 2017 5:39 am

-screeches like a banshee- MOAR!! such fluff! It was cliche AF, but i still couldn't help but read it. I think the real catch to this manga is how the uke genuinely tries to work on his problems and become "worthy" of the seme (apparently i like hard workers?) and how the seme is SO DAMN faithful, loyal, gentle, sexy, cute and awesome.

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