youraedthiswrogn June 24, 2021 2:43 pm

-chef's kiss-

youraedthiswrogn June 24, 2021 8:37 am

He found out his mother abandoned him for her own safety because he was mixed blood and now Violet has seemingly given him no choice but to think she cheated since he can't physically get her pregnant and his aide just told him the evidence looks like she is cheating with that actor guy.

He chose to believe in her, but this is seemingly irrefutable proof... he was already emotional before finding that tidbit out...

And those of you pissy he didn't tell her he's STERILE (well... sorta, there are specifics) need to grow up... seriously... it's not about your opinion or even Violet...

    random June 24, 2021 8:47 am

    excuse me, did u even read the story? she isn't pregnant, it's just a scheme that her husband's mother set up

    Potato chef June 24, 2021 8:49 am
    excuse me, did u even read the story? she isn't pregnant, it's just a scheme that her husband's mother set up random

    yea but winter doesn't know that ;;;

    random June 24, 2021 8:59 am
    yea but winter doesn't know that ;;; Potato chef

    they will figure it out i guess

    Potato chef June 24, 2021 9:03 am
    they will figure it out i guess random

    rlly hope he does ┗( T﹏T )┛

youraedthiswrogn June 21, 2021 2:39 am

"This whore is out with a man". That's all it takes?

youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 2:39 am

He ignored her for 3 years, yes, BUT... he was making money for her, to feel worthy of her, it was just getting siphoned by his parents. He actually was busy and wasn't seeing the red flags, because everyone was in on her being treated that way. It was all hushed because everyone was doing it.

People... they're BOTH in the dark. It's the parents that are the cause of the *majority* (we'll go over their personal issues in a second) of Violet's pain.

Because of his parents, the dresses he got Violet were "returned", so he thinks she's looking down on them and that she doesn't want to be with him. And he agrees! To him that conclusion is natural ANYWAYS, regardless of his parents' meddling, because he's 'a useless orphan' and she's 'the princess'. This was a plot of his parents, they intentionally made his view of her skewed.

What specifically is he responsible for? That would be the neglect. Not the skewed view of her, but rather not giving her some of his time when she asked for it. He was busy for those 3 years making money, but he should've made sure she was okay. The thing is, he thinks she hates him and that she is a pampered princess going to whine to him even though he's trying so hard for her, because of his inferiority complex and because of his parents.

She's not giving him the benefit of the doubt either, she always assumes he is pissed any time they interact. This is because she thinks he didn't want the marriage either, because of the massive loss of money. To him that was nothing and he fell for her during their marriage before working his ass off to give her the life he thinks she wants while thinking she hates him.

They just need to communicate, that's it. They're in love! It's plotting and miscommunication along with skewed views of each other that are getting in the way. WHICH ISN'T THEIR FAULT! They're both assuming the worst of each other by design.

    HiddenStrikess June 20, 2021 2:29 am

    Exactly! Tysm

    youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 2:32 am
    Exactly! Tysm HiddenStrikess

    No problem.

    The comments hating on him are a bit ridiculous... "how did you not notice?!". Um... by design? It's almost offensive because it's the same energy as blaming someone for their friend's death for not noticing their friend is suicidal... if she died it would be something that happened TO him too, he loves her...

    T-raw June 20, 2021 2:45 am

    Meh idk, the parents do suck for getting in the way so much but the neglect was severe and definitely abuse. She tried to communicate all that time and it got her no where, to the point she had to put up with a doctor that was actively harming her. Plus it drove her to suicide…*twice*. Like I’m pretty sure at this point she’ll still down to do it even if it kills her.

    youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 4:27 am
    Meh idk, the parents do suck for getting in the way so much but the neglect was severe and definitely abuse. She tried to communicate all that time and it got her no where, to the point she had to put up with a... T-raw

    Yeah, he should've given her the time to talk, but he was under the impression that she was just going to complain because she snobby and not happy with him or their marriage, which was done by design by his parents. This coupled with that everyone was in on it, therefore not allowing him to find out, makes this more nuanced than just saying "he neglected her".

    T-raw June 20, 2021 4:47 am
    Yeah, he should've given her the time to talk, but he was under the impression that she was just going to complain because she snobby and not happy with him or their marriage, which was done by design by his pa... youraedthiswrogn

    Nah buts that’s the thing, if it was just his misconception of her then took notice of how she actually was by spending time with her, I would of let it slide but this went on for not just months but YEARS and he never once tried to get to actually know her. Honestly if he was at war or something for three years and just didn’t put in the effort to write her then I wouldn’t really care as much. However he ACTIVELY ignored her anytime she came to him. His character is not that fuckin stupid or incompetent and even with other people getting in the way, how can you not have one conversation with your wife?

    youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 4:55 am
    Nah buts that’s the thing, if it was just his misconception of her then took notice of how she actually was by spending time with her, I would of let it slide but this went on for not just months but YEARS an... T-raw

    Talk about what? Thats a very meta argument. The plot is that he didn't know anything was happening, he just thought she was going to complain because in between each of those times she tried to talk to him he was being told that she returned all the dresses he worked for and bought her.

    Yes, he could've done stuff, had he known. Idk. He's a part of her pain, but incorrectly because she misunderstands him. Understandably, because he's being led to think she's also a certain way.

    Tsukitty June 20, 2021 5:13 am
    Talk about what? Thats a very meta argument. The plot is that he didn't know anything was happening, he just thought she was going to complain because in between each of those times she tried to talk to him he ... youraedthiswrogn

    I just noticed in this comment section that husband is getting the majority of hate, yes we don't like him
    But, i think the ones to be blamed here are the parents and ash
    I learned that when you put black ants and fire ants in a jar they won't fight but if you shake the jar they will start killing each other
    So all the blame goes to the one who shook the jar, it's just my opinion but those people behind all of this are the ones to be hated and receive all blame
    It's alright not to accept the ml but please see who are the real antagonists here

    T-raw June 20, 2021 7:23 am
    I just noticed in this comment section that husband is getting the majority of hate, yes we don't like himBut, i think the ones to be blamed here are the parents and ashI learned that when you put black ants an... Tsukitty

    okay so I went back to reread, just to see if he wasn't as bad as I thought, and in the second chapter she is BEGGING him (so not a communication problem since she is actually trying) to go to a dance with her just once (because of how badly she is treated there) and how does he respond? "do you know how much money I lost from this marriage? Did you forget that I spent twenty-four million lakne just to buy the status you were so lucky to be born with? ... If you know, then do one or the other: return the money or bestow the title upon me as a princess. if you can't do either, then just sit quietly and don't cause trouble" this is after three years of marriage, he treats her as nothing but a nuisance and hold the money he lost over her head. Plus it is obviously implied that this is nothing new cuz she tries to kill herself for the first time after the party. So even if give him every single benefit of the doubt then he would still be complicit in what is going on.

    HiddenStrikess June 20, 2021 8:02 am
    okay so I went back to reread, just to see if he wasn't as bad as I thought, and in the second chapter she is BEGGING him (so not a communication problem since she is actually trying) to go to a dance with her ... T-raw

    He doesn’t hold the money he lost over her head. You need to remember this is primarily from Violet’s perspective. The losing money has never been an issue for Winter. He’s worried that losing it makes Violet regret marrying him (just like she’s worried he feels he got scammed into marrying her) and that’s why he works hard constantly. The two of them are fundamental opposites. Winter is modern and believes money can solve everything and serve as a representation of love (because it’s what granted him love from his father and helped solve any problem he had such as hunger, violence, etc) while Violet is extremely traditional and born rich. Money is a commodity to her, not a necessity like it is to Winter. These misunderstandings and their fundamentals being naturally opposite of one another set up the misunderstandings which only worsen because they don’t talk. In Winter’s eyes, what does the princess have to complain about and interrupt his business meeting for (which he’s having to raise more money for her)? Now he’s finally realizing but yea, rant over

    T-raw June 20, 2021 2:07 pm
    He doesn’t hold the money he lost over her head. You need to remember this is primarily from Violet’s perspective. The losing money has never been an issue for Winter. He’s worried that losing it makes Vi... HiddenStrikess

    Dude he literally asks her to return the money. That is unless you think she is an unreliable narrator and that’s not something he said (which would be really rare to see in manga). How is that not holding it over her head?

    Like you could say he doesn’t actually believe she needs to repay him but then what he says to her and what he actually thinks does not match up.

    youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 2:30 pm
    Dude he literally asks her to return the money. That is unless you think she is an unreliable narrator and that’s not something he said (which would be really rare to see in manga). How is that not holding it... T-raw

    "Dude he literally asks her to return the money."

    He also said the opposite, that it didn't matter to him.

    He said that at that time because he thought she was going to be pompous and complain and ask for things even though he's been working to give her a luxurious life.

    youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 2:33 pm

    T-raw, the quote is lacking context. He's made to look bad and then thoughts and machinations are revealed after. He actually doesn't care, he was just dismissing her at the time because he thought she was acting spoiled.

    youraedthiswrogn June 20, 2021 2:38 pm

    Look at ch 8 and ch 9:

    He made money to be worthy of her and only says to pay the money back bexause he doesn't want her to leave him. It's not about the money. She just thinks it is.

    T-raw June 20, 2021 7:21 pm
    T-raw, the quote is lacking context. He's made to look bad and then thoughts and machinations are revealed after. He actually doesn't care, he was just dismissing her at the time because he thought she was acti... youraedthiswrogn

    ??!?!?? Huh? That’s my entire point tho, his thoughts do not matter if he doesn’t communicate them to her. I’m not talking about the parents actions (which are just as bad) or his thoughts, only his direct actions and the way he talked towards her and how they were abusive whether he intended for them to be or not.

    T-raw June 20, 2021 7:22 pm
    T-raw, the quote is lacking context. He's made to look bad and then thoughts and machinations are revealed after. He actually doesn't care, he was just dismissing her at the time because he thought she was acti... youraedthiswrogn

    Like his lack of communication and how his thoughts don’t match what his says is my biggest issue with the dude.

youraedthiswrogn June 11, 2021 3:10 am

I replied under your post and you got bitchy with me, you're two faced and fake af being all "discussion time!" while simultaneously being a cunt and telling me that my opinion is "invalid because that's not what's said in the manga". Like everything needs to be in explicit dialogue.

You're very clearly one of the monster Jun stans, not sure why you even put on the act.

Honestly, everything you said, but back at you because you did everything you said. You posted like four times in a row and then went on to comment under multiple peoples' comments. Not that that matters since this is a comments section...

I loved how you blocked me btw, i decided to be petty and do the same. Guess you didn't like that since you obsessively wrote two public comments at me and replied under both.

youraedthiswrogn May 31, 2021 11:31 pm

It's because her side has been shown in it's entirety, so everyone has seen how sad she was, but his side hasn't and most of these work in a way in which the ML is at fault. This one seems more neutral ground, he just looks like he sucks at communicating and she sucks at noticing his small signs.

youraedthiswrogn May 13, 2021 2:22 pm

Yes, there's nuance, but he himself is acknowledging that he played an integral part in why she ended up mentally fucked. This goes into that whole "is the bystander at fault too?" argument and the answer is yes. He stood aside at the father's threat, allowing his wife to be harrassed till she was mentally broken... we've seen in the current timeline that he could have basically just ignored the duke the entire time and NOT just allowed EVERYTHING to happen. Once they got married, how would the father even have a say? He's her husband... The father is the one who deserves the MOST hate, not the one who deserves it ALL. Anyways, let's look at what the newest chapters have given him a reason for:

- her being locked in the room

- her being harassed by the ex.

That's it. Nothing about ths baby being taken from her and from what i understand the reasoning is that he thought it was best because he didn't understand why she was struggling with the baby after birth.

Anyone who's been in on the conversation already knew all these spoilers, but having a reason for treating her like shit doesn't absolve him. Would any of YOU care if your husband "had a reason" for separating you from your child? Outside a scenario in which he was protecting the child from you, what reason wouldn't come across as authoritarian? Like his opinion holds all the weight to the point he could just make a huge decision like that?

youraedthiswrogn May 9, 2021 9:18 am

Liam is probably future Archie. I don't think the box he gave her is a different box, i think it's the same box, but in the future and i think it's ability is to send stuff back and forward to itself.

youraedthiswrogn May 8, 2021 4:45 am

Okay, the latest argument is that "he's not the same person", but it's literally a plot point that he is? So...??

He has his memories, he's being nice BECAUSE he has his memories. What is the argument? ?? He rewound time, yes, but from both his and Reina's perspective the past events happened and Reina is still traumatized by it. Even entertaining that the time magic erased their memories, we know what happened and would be able to judge his actions ourselves. No, rewinding time isn't a "free pass" or something.

Enough with the excuses for him. Yes, he does better in this timeline BECAUSE HE FEELS BAD, but that doesn't give him forgiveness. If i cut off your leg and then pay all your expenses for the rest of your life, you still have the right to suffer due to missing a fucking leg and hate me for it. The pain of losing her baby is still raw, there was no time in between her death and revival from her perspective, she just woke up with that wound still fresh in her memories. It wasn't a 'from scratch' restart, it was a continuation. One second to the next. Him not doing the things he did the first time doesn't matter because she lost her fucking BABY and died and still hates him for that.

    youraedthiswrogn May 8, 2021 5:03 am

    @simps: You guys know that he's not going to come out of the book and bust you down, right? All this blind denial isn't going to get you laid. Take a whole gallon of water and use a funnel to send it straight down your throat because you guys can't afford to miss a drop.

    Your arguments are INSANE, it's just denial and nothing else.

    おはよう。 May 8, 2021 5:32 am
    @simps: You guys know that he's not going to come out of the book and bust you down, right? All this blind denial isn't going to get you laid. Take a whole gallon of water and use a funnel to send it straight d... youraedthiswrogn

    Sorry, a bit confused here. Is there a spoiler or something that says he goes back too? Just started reading lol.

    If that is the case, AND he doesn’t know she went back too, then I think that his actions are understandable. He wouldn’t realize that she’s traumatized.

    Now, if he knew he was bringing her back, dick move. Explain!!! Give her context, tell her what happened. Do a whole reconciliation with therapy arc or something.

    I’m not going to outline the arguments for if he didn’t go back? Because I assume you’d already know them (he didn’t do it yet yada yada).

    Also. It seems to me that yes she lost her baby, but died a couple of years (?) after, El or Elle being 2-3 y/o. (the kid looked like he could be 5 with this art style, how old do babies walk??? Do children look that long? I have baby cousins so I should know this, but, like, child?)So yes, probably still raw, but maybe more resigned? Would the rawness come from losing her child, or the fact that someone who was essentially her rival in the household taking the child?

    TLDR: slightly confused but politely agreeing! Also timeline issues cuz the kid looks weird. Do kids look like that?

    youraedthiswrogn May 8, 2021 1:13 pm

    "Sorry, a bit confused here. Is there a spoiler or something that says he goes back too? Just started reading lol."

    Yes, there's a spoiler and it also explains hos weird sudden changes.

    "AND he doesn’t know she went back too, then I think that his actions are understandable. He wouldn’t realize that she’s traumatized."

    He's being nice to her in this timeline, what i and most people are saying is that he's still garbage because he chose to make her life hell last timeline and is only being nice now because he learned his lesson, but learning your lesson doesn't automatically absolve you. She is still being harmed by what she went through, it was traumatic.

    Him not knowing she has her memories is just besides the point of whether or not he's still guilty for his past actions.

    "Now, if he knew he was bringing her back, dick move. Explain!!! Give her context, tell her what happened. Do a whole reconciliation with therapy arc or something."

    Yeah, this is one of the things pissing off quite a few people. He agreed to the bribe, but could've said something to her behind closed doors so she didn't suffer as much, but he didn't even do that.

    "Also. It seems to me that yes she lost her baby, but died a couple of years (?) after, El or Elle being 2-3 y/o."

    Yes, but her life all the way up till her death was miserable and all the way up till then she wanted to see Elle.

    maychan May 8, 2021 1:30 pm

    from what I read in some other comments, I didn't read all of them cause I don't care. but I read some of them. and people said that FL didn't love the ML when she marries him and her asshole dad force him to marry her while ML wanted to marry someone else and was engaged

    so, they said, that from ML POV he had a reason to hate her even before the marriage. and that the FL isn't fit to be a mother in the first timeline cause she suffers from trauma or some shit. so she could not even touch him, could not feed him, and could not say she loves him. she only sit there and stare at him what they said the same has neglected the child.

    which to that I say BS! even if it's true it's not enough reason to take her baby away! if anything he should have taught her how to take care of the child and bring her a doctor! and she did love him in her own way, even if they say she could not do much for him, for that they have like nanny! she suffers from mental illness but you can tell she still loves her child and with time she could have learned to be better!

    so yeas, fuck this ML! and from what I seen so suffer he did know she knows about their past too. pretty sure he does but he does not want their child to become crazy again, not cause he a give a damn about her.

    youraedthiswrogn May 8, 2021 2:08 pm
    from what I read in some other comments, I didn't read all of them cause I don't care. but I read some of them. and people said that FL didn't love the ML when she marries him and her asshole dad force him to m... maychan

    We've seen ourselves that she could touch Elle with just the tiniest bit of support

    maychan May 8, 2021 2:14 pm
    We've seen ourselves that she could touch Elle with just the tiniest bit of support youraedthiswrogn

    yeas so I guess what those comments said are stupid bullshit, no surprise ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    おはよう。 May 8, 2021 5:54 pm
    "Sorry, a bit confused here. Is there a spoiler or something that says he goes back too? Just started reading lol."Yes, there's a spoiler and it also explains hos weird sudden changes."AND he doesn’t know she... youraedthiswrogn

    Thank you so much!

    To be clear, I really don’t like the ML, sorry if that wasn’t clear lol.

    Again, thanks!

    youraedthiswrogn May 9, 2021 9:23 am
    Thank you so much!To be clear, I really don’t like the ML, sorry if that wasn’t clear lol.Again, thanks! おはよう。

    No problem :^)

youraedthiswrogn May 4, 2021 6:25 pm

So, she stole her dad's powers, right? Like, he no longer has them and will never get them back? The way it was worded when she was explaining the tear jewel made it sound temporary, but what we've seen afterwards makes it seem permanent.

I didn't realize it at the time because the focus became her becoming the family head, but if she really did take his powers that's some HUGE revenge. Putting the title aside, she took the powers he's had for so long and got uses to using.

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