youraedthiswrogn September 9, 2023 4:37 pm

I'm so glad this is updating quickly because I'm just dying to find out what the hell is going on?!

Okay, so this latest update tells us that red head is STILL dating Hee Sung's younger brother after all this time?! Hee Sung doesn't even remember him and somehow he's involved with the top (not sexually, I just mean connected somehow) and is maybe the mastermind behind the whole fucked up situation going on over there? Apparently the top is also being held prisoner in there?

And any of you sympathizing with the top are simping. Yeah, he had a tragic past and is being held captive, that doesn't change anything. And I don't mean in the "what he did was bad" sense either, though that too, what I mean is that it was his obsession with Hee Sung, his choice to kidnap/rape/mind fuck/hypersexualize Hee Sung's body so he thinks he wants it. Red head does what he wants as long as he stays there and acts like a good boy, he wanted Hee Sung so he got him. Red head also just hates him, really fucked up even considering that detail that he's fine with all this happening to someone he hates, but I guess he just hates him THAT much.

I'll acknowledge the grey area here surrounding the top, because the implication is that he's mentally unwell. He's actually sort of child like, the story words this as "naive". He thinks his actions are okay, that he's just expressing his love to Hee Sung. He thinks all the kinky shit he's done to Hee Sung was to make him feel good and happy, he has that machine to validate his feelings that he's making Hee Sung feel good because he sees numbers that are supposed to indicate it feels good when that's really just physically. But think from Hee Sung's POV here... why should he care? Like come on guys, he's a third party. He didn't know this guy had feelings for him, had no say in what happened and he obviously wouldn't reciprocate given the homophobic showing we just saw. He's (the MC) an asshole, but at this point that's not even the point. He raped a homophobe and fucked him up mentally enough for him to become dependant on him (he's fighting it, but he's clearly caring what Jae yeun thinks of him now). It really shifted when he left him there for the whole day blindfolded and with the dildo in his ass. He started to break down, he experienced crazy loneliness till he just wanted him to answer and became hyper aware of his ass being empty from there.

I'm waiting to find out what's going on with the red head. It looked at first like the top and red head were criminals that do this stuff often. He kept giving the top advice and the top said no one has ever investigated him. What is going on?! Is red head a criminal? Is he actually just a high school connection dating MC's brother? Did he train the mentally unstable top to do all this to Hee Sung? How is the father involved? I get the feeling red head is hired by dad to keep the son quiet and out of sight since he was literally being experimented on.

I... kinda hate the red head. I get that his situation sucks, but what he did to both brothers is disgusting. Being a homophobe is not cool, neither is him outing his little brother, but it doesn't justify THIS. MC's just an asshole, that's all. He hasn't done anything yet to the point where it would push me to feel "whatever happens to him, he deserves it". He's just trash. It justified red head hating him, but that's it. People don't usually take "hate" to what we're seeing on screen. He's a psycho. He is lying to him about his brother leaving the country TO HIS FACE WHILE HE WORRIES ABOUT THE SAFETY OF HIS BROTHER while watching over the whole situation over there calmly. Are we supposed to feel bad for him? Because he just wants his boyfriend to be happy and he can't let go of his toxic brother? His brother was going to leave anyways. The bottom line here is that he loves his brother regardless of the bs, he doesn't want him being raped and mind and body fucked in captivity. Where is this going?! Because if Hee Sung is ever freed, surely he will find out who his brother is dating at some point and wonder why it's the guy he saw while held captive. Surely he'll eventually remember the guy from high school. Hee El will find out what he did to his brother. This just can't end well unless Hee Sung leaves and lives the rest of his life away from Hee El.

And if any of you think Hee Sung is like, "making progress" with the top. No. He was altered. He was not gay, he was literally ANTI-gay. He was mind fucked until he broke and is now dependant on him and his body is physically trained to want anal now. There's no implication so far that he was closeted or something, maybe in the future, but RN this is the story. He's being more lovable to him because of that, it's an illusion. He was trained. He was even actively fighting against being mentally trained and was still trained both mentally and physically. They could live the rest of their lives in a cozy countryside cabin making cute, sweet, "consensual" (since Hee Sung isn't fighting back and is even asking for it now) love and the reality of that would still be this dark shit. Maybe they will justify it by making Hee Sung closeted and this shit was necessary to make him accept that, but even that wouldn't really justify what happened since he doesn't NEED to accept it anyways. Why would he? Because the top loves him? Who cares? That's a personal problem.

    Kirby.180 September 9, 2023 5:06 pm


    youraedthiswrogn September 9, 2023 5:15 pm

    No but fr, I clicked on this the instant I saw it updated. I started it for the kink and now I'm invested AF in the story

    Honcrois September 9, 2023 5:34 pm

    you’re a real one for this op

    youraedthiswrogn September 9, 2023 5:36 pm
    you’re a real one for this op Honcrois

    Ty lol

    ZeZone September 9, 2023 6:56 pm

    was gonna TLDR but i read it anyway.
    Valid. not really spoiler but a conclusive argument.

    i thought ho doong (red head) liked the top so he does eveything the top wants.
    and whenever i see the red head looks at hee sung with no emotion i knew he doesnt like hee sung. so i thought that its because red head like the top and is just being patient with the situation.
    but then i found out that the red head is dating hee sungs brother and i oh felt so betrayed.

    anyway.. im hoping both of them escape tf outta there. its clearly the red head the one who is imprisoning both of them

    Kirby.180 September 9, 2023 9:51 pm
    No but fr, I clicked on this the instant I saw it updated. I started it for the kink and now I'm invested AF in the story youraedthiswrogn

    Super true! I wanna know where it's going and what the endings gonna be cause it wasn't updating for a bit I thought it was gonna be super short.

youraedthiswrogn August 14, 2023 1:44 am

Story aside... Really hot sex (rape tbh) scenes. The aesthetic of ch 32 was *chef's kiss*. That thrust!

First off guys, there's a lot of incest here. But it's gods so... That's pretty normal. There's Horus X Set (Set's nephew is in love with him since he was a child, he rapes Set twice so far in the story. He seems to be starting to fall for Horus, but it's still just implicit. There's nothing really substantial yet, just that he's started to be more caring with Horus).

There's Osiris X Set (Osiris is Set's brother. There's talk of them being "blood related" and they had a brotherly relationship with separate wives till Osiris blew the lid off everything because he ran out of patience, he's obsessive over Set. He sees that Set's idea of tying someone down is to have a child with them so he gets it in his head that he should impregnate Set to tie him to himself. He doesn't have the power of creation himself, so he borrows it, but it only allows him to create the body of a god, he cannot create a whole god. He has a way to solve this. Set's wife is in love with Osiris so he agrees to impregnate her if she gives him Set. She births Anubis. His plan is then to take Anubis's soul and place it in the child he plans to create in Set, making him pregnant with a complete god that he'll be forced to carry and love because it's his own son. This is stopped right before Osiris can do it).

There's Anubis X Set, though this one's more just because his son Anubis is messed up and doesn't remember Set for story reasons. And it's not like it's really a conscious thing. Anubis is mentally damaged by Osiris, who is constantly trying to use him to bring Set to the underworld so he can finally have him. You'll understand the nature of their relationship better once you get to it, it's not the same as the others so far who are in love with and obsessive over Set and raping him with that love being the reason. Imo things aren't really ramping up between Anubis and Set, there's still a feel of "we're just family" from Set and Anubis just feels out of it as the reason for his behavior. Horus seems to actually love him, Osiris "loves" him but it's obsessive to the point you just want him gone. Though ill admit that it *does* feel like Osiris would treat him well once they got past that point of no return and he had Set for good. In the case of Anubis, he just thinks "why does this guy act like he knows me? He's crying and clearly cares about me. Were we lovers?" and kisses him to see if that will spark memories. He then goes to Duat and becomes more mindless for a bit because Osiris did something, even being unable to talk and acting feral at times. This is when he starts sucking/licking on Set (like on his cheek. Seems primal/like Set's blood tastes good to him and he likes kisses) and biting him, that's the extent of their sexuality so far. Set gives him a kiss to persuade him to help them but it's a fatherly kiss to him

There's the unknown foreign god X Set. Which is honestly surprisingly satisfying? Their dynamic is very refreshing and he treats Set very well. The sex is also dubiously consensual rather than straight up rape like the other guys. Set is drugged up on aphrodisiacs. You know the cliche, he'll be in danger if the symptoms aren't handled so the guy "helps" him with that (while explicitly having always had intentions of having sex with Set, he approached him with intentions of making him his). Set does agree to it thinking it shouldn't hurt anything to receive the help. This pairing starts off with the god pretending to be one of Set's followers and following Set through a bit of a character arc as he faces his followers and their meaning to him.

There is the rape of Set by his followers, which was implied to have been Osiris's plan by Set, but Osiris denies it. Set says Osiris made it happen so he could extend a hand to Set in his worst state. Osiris says he is extending his hand because he loves him and couldn't stand what he was seeing happen. He is seen taking the souls of the rapists and torturing them in Duat personally so it seems he might actually be innocent here. The guy Osiris revived was just supposed to bring Set to him I guess, but the guy has personal motives, he wanted to see the gods squirm and that's why he had the followers rape Set. Not because of Osiris. He even says he is defying Osiris.

There is the rape of Set by the slave auctioneers, they jack him off and stick a dildo up his ass, but refuse to go all the way in because the virginity is meant for the customer. They were auctioneers "sampling their product", how "fine" it is without ruining it's value

I believe that's all the incest, rapes and loves so far (ch 140). Really don't know why or even HOW Set keeps getting raped this much?! He's supposedly the most powerful god aside from Osiris. Somehow Horus overpowers him? At least when he's demoted to demigod it makes sense that he can be overpowered by gods, but he's overpowered by humans?! Albeit using drugs...

    Sakata Ginko August 14, 2023 7:42 am

    I feel the need to correct you on some points of your analysis here.

    Horus X Seth second rape is an alternate ending. It was the first ending Mojito had for the manhwa. In that, Horus has clearly some of Osiris characteristics. It was the ending she scrapped to develop their relationship. That's more of an extra chapter and it's not meant to be included into the main story. Horus didn't rape Seth on his own volition but was influenced by Sekhmet (he regretted it after). She also tweaked Seth brain to make him weaker the day Horus raped him.

    Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtys are Geb (God of earth) and Nut (Goddess of sky) children, so they are all blood related. Nephtys wasn't in love of Osiris but wanted to give a child to Seth as it was his view of a good foundation of family. She consulted Osiris (who made Seth sterile) and conceived Anubis (Osiris said he didn't touch her.

    Other than that everything is good.

    youraedthiswrogn August 14, 2023 8:56 am
    I feel the need to correct you on some points of your analysis here.Horus X Seth second rape is an alternate ending. It was the first ending Mojito had for the manhwa. In that, Horus has clearly some of Osiris ... Sakata Ginko

    "That's more of an extra chapter and it's not meant to be included into the main story."

    That doesn't make sense though, that the rape happened is carried forward. It's addressed again shortly after. There's continuity there. It also just flows well with the rest of the story, it didn't seem like it's meant to be discarded

    "Horus didn't rape Seth on his own volition but was influenced by Sekhmet (he regretted it after). She also tweaked Seth brain to make him weaker the day Horus raped him."

    This is one of those things where we're given conflicting information because Sekhmet denies that it was a curse, she says that he wanted to do it. He regrets it, but it's also something he wanted to do deep down, like how Set hates and wants to kill Anubis deep down but still chooses his love for his son over the feelings of betrayal. Going back to this though:

    "In that, Horus has clearly some of Osiris characteristics."

    More vague lore stuff. It's clearly to do with that he is Osiris's son, we see Osiris is able to exert influence through Anubis this way. But Horus notably *isn't* being controlled like Anubis was so it seems like maybe Horus just inherited some of his father's obsessiveness, explaining the way he wanted to dominate and possess Set when his mind was messed with by Sekhmet.

    "Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtys are Geb (God of earth) and Nut (Goddess of sky) children, so they are all blood related."

    Oh that's true, It didn't click for some reason that Isis X Osiris and Set X Neph was incest too. It definitely goes on the list of incests/loves. For some reason I didn't really think of them, just the more main characters and their interests.

    "Nephtys wasn't in love of Osiris but wanted to give a child to Seth as it was his view of a good foundation of family. She consulted Osiris (who made Seth sterile) and conceived Anubis (Osiris said he didn't touch her."

    All of this is just wrong. If you read the final testimony on ch 69 where Neph comes out and reveals what happened to the gods, she admits she had a child with Osiris because she was in love with him and that her choice was the result of her "disgusting feelings". She imprisoned herself because she knew Set truly loved her and couldn't handle the guilt of lying to him about Anubis being his son and her infidelity with Osiris. Osiris also tells Set directly that he put his seed in Neph. You're referencing that he didn't actually have sex with her though, he did some god stuff to place his seed in her at her request. She didn't ask for a child for Set, she loved Osiris and wanted his child and then the guilt crushed her. I'm pretty sure the idea of a child being the foundation of a family thing was an observation Osiris was making about Set. An insight. Could be wrong, I'd have to read back, but I'm pretty sure that's separate to Neph's infidelity

    youraedthiswrogn August 14, 2023 9:32 am
    "That's more of an extra chapter and it's not meant to be included into the main story."That doesn't make sense though, that the rape happened is carried forward. It's addressed again shortly after. There's con... youraedthiswrogn

    Having read back, Osiris does say that it was Neph that told him that Set wanted a child so that part was right. I guess she lied to Osiris about her reasoning for wanting a child, she told him it was for Set and told him about how Set views having a child a cornerstone of sorts to keeping someone tied to you. He gave her the child and the rest is as we discussed above

    Sakata Ginko August 14, 2023 10:01 am
    Having read back, Osiris does say that it was Neph that told him that Set wanted a child so that part was right. I guess she lied to Osiris about her reasoning for wanting a child, she told him it was for Set a... youraedthiswrogn

    I forgot the bit in chapter 69. Nephtys indeed said that.

    Like I said, the second rape doesn't count in the story. Read the author's note in chapter 74. It is said to be set a parallel universe. That's why I said Horus takes some of the characteristics of Osiris in the main story. Where was the second rape carried forward, may I ask?

    Now to understand why I said Sekhmet has everything to do with Horus raping Seth, you have to reread chapters 17 to 20 and go to 30. Everything has to do with the mirror. One plot point forgotten until now is they are two Nephtys: the one inside the mirror and the mother of Anubis.

    The mirror has two goddesses side by side. Hathor (love) and Sekhmet (destruction). When Horus saw Seth (Hathor smiled) in the mirror he went inside and met a Nephtys claiming to be the "true" one.

    Before overpowering Seth, the figure of Sekhmet in the mirror talked about Seth cutting her arm and smiled. There is no curse in Horus but his actions where heavily influenced by Sekhmet because of his connection with the mirror. Even if he wanted to make love to Seth, in his right mind he wouldn't dare to force him.

    youraedthiswrogn August 14, 2023 10:52 am

    I misunderstood your reply, I thought you were saying the rape on ch 30-32 was an alternate for some reason, not sure how I got that mixed up as that's not the "second" one on pages 74 and 75... You're right about those being alternate and my comment about continuity was about the rape on page 30-32. Reading comprehension issue on my part. The continuity was Set mentioning that Horus was speaking to him after what he'd done, but that was besides your point

    I actually skipped the author's note on page 74, so this was actually really helpful because when I read that chapter I was very confused by Horus's abusive behavior to Set. I thought it seemed a little *too* hard core and guilt trippy to Set and felt kinda out of Horus's character, the piece falls into place knowing it's alt

    "One plot point forgotten until now is they are two Nephtys: the one inside the mirror and the mother of Anubis."

    I've been wondering about this. It looked like it was just... Dropped. He never told Set about her being in the mirror even though he remembers given his conversation with Sekhmet. So like... Who is the fake? Is she even the mother of Anubis or is his real mother in the mirror? Why does the fake one seem like she's the real one even to us? The one with all the history that is the backstory of this is the fake one, right? She seems to be the one who had Anubis and felt guilty. But the one in the mirror loves Set I guess? I'm so confused by that

    youraedthiswrogn August 16, 2023 2:52 pm
    I forgot the bit in chapter 69. Nephtys indeed said that. Like I said, the second rape doesn't count in the story. Read the author's note in chapter 74. It is said to be set a parallel universe. That's why I sa... Sakata Ginko

    So what do you feel about Isis? I've been going back and forth about her in my head. I can't decide if I hate her or if her actions are justified. I know that her blaming Set for Osiris's obsession is just plain wrong, and the story has even been recently trying to address that with her guilt towards Set and the coma. I also feel like her still loving Osiris and having Horus with him after what she saw is a bit disgusting. But I think it's implied that she's trying to get revenge against Osiris? She mentions "her revenge". What is her revenge?

    The story tries to justify her hatred of Set by making it so that he tried to use her in his revenge against Osiris. He was going to take Isis either as his wife or was just trying to have sex with her because she is Osiris's wife, can't remember. She then suffers under his long rule for defying him. Part of me is just kinda like "oh no, you had to suffer after having a child with the guy you saw rape your brother? Poor you". Though she definitely should've had a choice in whether or not she wants to be with Set, he just wanted her for revenge and when she said no he set everyone against her. From his perspective he wronged her, from her perspective I can't really be sure how I feel because she *saw what happened and did nothing while blaming Set*, revived the assailant, had a child with him and then the whole thing with Set happened.

    The good thing about all this though is that it seems like the author is starting to conclude things by focusing on how much the characters care for each other underneath all the hate. Set's "only hope" now is the promise he made with Anubis, he set aside his hatred for Nephtys and Anubis in favor of his love for them and hopes to be together again one day when he atones. Horus has said to Set that he hopes to one day become someone important to him. Set and Isis have been thinking about what they did to each other and Isis is finally facing her guilt towards Set and her lingering feelings for him as her little brother, I get the feeling these two will make up soon and that's how Horus loving Set will become okay.

    Osiris is unfortunately living luxuriously in hell, not sure where that's going. He's a constant thorn in Set's side, he has way too much influence on the world of the living for peace to be maintained. Maybe Anubis is the key here? Once he gets his memories back maybe he will dethrone Osiris in Duat? I hate, absolutely loath, Osiris but the author has done a good job of making it *feel* like he actually does love Set underneath all that obsession and insanity. Like, I don't doubt that if they did get together that he would treat Set like the most precious thing in the world. The issue is that the feeling doesn't seem reciprocated dude. Especially not after **making him sterile, ruining his marriage, grinding up his son's existence, making him chop off his son's arm and curse him to death and sending a follower that had him gang raped**. It's so crazy to me that he's still like "come to Duat. Do it for me. Can't you do just one thing for me? I love you". ???

    Sakata Ginko August 17, 2023 3:12 pm
    So what do you feel about Isis? I've been going back and forth about her in my head. I can't decide if I hate her or if her actions are justified. I know that her blaming Set for Osiris's obsession is just plai... youraedthiswrogn

    About Isis, my feelings for her is a line between pity and hate. She loved someone who never loved her in return but she is playing too much the victim card. She saw what was happening, knew everything and choose to curse every single one of her siblings including herself. She will never have Osiris love, Osiris will never have Seth, Seth will never have his family love and Nephtys will never find death. Seth trying to use her is just the excuse she made to hate him(not that it didn't happen, but she was the only one beside Osiris having the full picture and seeing Seth character, he would have broke down if his sister said that she knew everything). What make me feel pity for her is her love for Osiris and Seth. Even in her nightmare Osiris didn't even care to look at her with love. She love Seth as her dear brother but chose to destroy all of that because she was betrayed by her husband.

    Her revenge against Osiris is her curse as no one will have what they desire and to some extend Horus.

    I loathe Osiris and that's a given, but at the same time I want to understand his motives. What I like about Ennead is the fact that there is no black and white.

    I have a theory after knowing how Gods are created. Besides Ra and her children, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtys and maybe their parents were demigods before as they were born from two Gods. Ra is the only asexual God and the others need to have normal sex.

    I think Osiris is the only one remembering his life as a demigod. When Osiris thought that Seth died, he said something like "Once again, someone dear is taken away from me. I will not allow it" before making himself mortal. There is also his bald appearance kneeling on the sand in the flashback. He didn't have any apparel like now as Anubis before becoming the god of death. He was obsessed and desperate as the god of life. But I think that as the king of Duat he became more obsessed and resentful. As he is right now, I don't really think he loves Seth.

    I think Horus wants to overwrite Seth's promise to Anubis. That's why he is doing all the shenanigans until now. We will see how everything will unfold.

    youraedthiswrogn August 18, 2023 3:51 am
    About Isis, my feelings for her is a line between pity and hate. She loved someone who never loved her in return but she is playing too much the victim card. She saw what was happening, knew everything and choo... Sakata Ginko

    "I have a theory after knowing how Gods are created. Besides Ra and her children, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephtys and maybe their parents were demigods before as they were born from two Gods. Ra is the only asexual God and the others need to have normal sex."

    I hadn't considered that, I assumed demigods are specifically born to a human and a god, but thinking about it both Anubis and Horus were demigods born to gods. Though those two are given an explanation, THAT they're demigods is a plot point. They're demigods because Set cursed the two of them to stay how they are because of his feelings for Anubis. He wanted him to stay as "his little boy" and Horus suffered the curse because he met with Set back then and was mistaken for Anubis.

    "I think Horus wants to overwrite Seth's promise to Anubis. That's why he is doing all the shenanigans until now. We will see how everything will unfold."

    I really hope that's not the case because if it is then Set has A LOT more pain coming. Anubis is his everything. Honestly, I think Horus knows that and has been trying to come into his life in a more reasonable way. By just being there for him. It didn't look to me like he's trying to overwrite the promise, I think he knows how much it means to Set. We know he hates their connection and how much it hurts Set. He spared Anubis for a long time and now he is more aggressive with him because of the state of Anubis's mind messing with Set, but it's also sort of started to... Calm down a bit? It keeps being mentioned that they're brothers and they seem to bicker now over Set rather than outright hostility. The relationship between the three has become sort of comedic and once Anubis gets his memories back I think everything will fall into place. He never had romantic feelings for his father, that pretty much just leaves Horus as the prospective partner between the two brothers. I don't see the foreign god as a serious candidate tbh, despite him being the most reasonable to Set and obviously actually caring about him too. The only thing that complicates things is Set's relationship with Neph. Like, is that ever going to resurface or is that just done? But I'm thinking that's just done. Set knows she gave Osiris the thing he needed to impregnate him and also bore Osiris's child. He hates her and Anubis for this. But the promise includes her so I'm not so sure it *is* done. Does he plan to atone and then go back to his marriage with Neph and Anubis?!

youraedthiswrogn July 19, 2021 4:33 am

What is happening? How is Roana related to her? And she's obviously his daughter, where tf does the count come into this? It looks like the duke doesn't remember Roana for some reason?

    zaza July 19, 2021 4:48 am


    his memories of roana and his daughter has been removed after they went back to the past

    youraedthiswrogn July 20, 2021 8:26 am
    spoiler his memories of roana and his daughter has been removed after they went back to the past zaza


youraedthiswrogn July 16, 2021 2:09 am

We only knew each other for a few minutes, but it was enough to give me separation anxiety, i think I'm... traumatized.

youraedthiswrogn July 15, 2021 3:23 pm

Do you know how stupid and scummy you'd sound if someone confessed to you, you had sex with them, you went and fucked someone else and they found out and you responded with that you "didn't say yes"...?

That's called leading someone on, it's called that because there is an implied relationship. Regardless of your own selfish, shitty thoughts on the matter. It doesn't matter if you weren't looking for a serious relationship if you have sex with someone after they confess to you...

This is basic af, can't believe people are still saying "it isn't cheating because he didn't say yes". Fine, then it's cheating because he led him on. Either way.

    Kittykat July 15, 2021 4:37 pm

    its not cheating because theyre not in a relationship?? there's no such thing as an implied relationship especially after sex one time. it's obviously not the best thing to do but this boy has literal trauma and sex is his coping mechanism. stop.

    freakybl July 15, 2021 5:35 pm
    its not cheating because theyre not in a relationship?? there's no such thing as an implied relationship especially after sex one time. it's obviously not the best thing to do but this boy has literal trauma an... Kittykat

    So because someone has trauma that gives them the okay to do shitty shit to people ?

    Kittykat July 15, 2021 6:26 pm
    So because someone has trauma that gives them the okay to do shitty shit to people ? freakybl

    he's not doing anything TO the other guy?? theyre not in a relationship. he can do what he wants with his body. is it really good for anyone? no, but we have to understand where its coming from. omg

    Kittykat July 15, 2021 6:27 pm
    So because someone has trauma that gives them the okay to do shitty shit to people ? freakybl

    and if the childhood friend seme is a good person, he'll know he didn't sleep with the other guy to spite him. he did it because therapy isn't seen as an option for people in Korea and he didn't know what else to do with himself. being gay especially in conservative countries can be TRAUMATIZING

    youraedthiswrogn July 16, 2021 1:14 am
    So because someone has trauma that gives them the okay to do shitty shit to people ? freakybl

    Don't waste your time, kittykat has replied all over with the same shit, apparently trauma is a get out free card and i don't have time to argue that. That's why i haven't replied to them...

youraedthiswrogn July 15, 2021 2:30 pm

This whole "they aren't together" argument is very popular, so let's go into that real quick too.

Okay, so we know they have mutual feelings, we know one confessed to the other and when that happened the confessee allowed him to have sex with him without rejecting him (obviously, given he was happy af about it and loves him).

What exactly about that implies the answer wasn't "yes"? At the very least, in Hyesung's eyes it certainly looks like a yes. No arguments against that, if you try you're delusional.

So now, how would this not be cheating, exactly? And even entertaining that it's not cheating, it's still just shitty in general as we all knew upon reading what happened. You can just FEEL it's shitty. We already know his reasoning for sleeping with Hyung, it was "because he's stressed" and "anxious because they're getting closer and he's afraid of losing Hyesung". We have all the facts here. They don't look good...

One final thing, Homin himself says that the reason he's scared is because he and Hyesung are getting closer and the relationship may end, what does "getting closer" reference if not that they're dating now? They were already best friends, what's closer? Boyfriends... He's saying that he's scared of being with him because the relationship may end.

    Kittykat July 15, 2021 4:41 pm

    you have to be in a formal relationship to cheat. also it clearly says that he's in denial that he's loved back. so in his emotional confusion, he goes back to having sex to deal with his trauma. that's not the same as being sleazy. sex is his emotional coping mechanism and his outlet for his trauma.

    Also anxiety is very often not logical. that's the point.

    Kursed July 15, 2021 9:03 pm
    you have to be in a formal relationship to cheat. also it clearly says that he's in denial that he's loved back. so in his emotional confusion, he goes back to having sex to deal with his trauma. that's not the... Kittykat

    I keep seeing you mention his trauma
    What trauma does he have exactly?

    Kittykat July 15, 2021 11:28 pm
    I keep seeing you mention his traumaWhat trauma does he have exactly? Kursed

    the trauma of being gay in a very conservative society, and the trauma of having to keep his sexuality a huge secret from his best friend, and also the trauma of feeling like he had to leave his best friend to escape his stress. He also probably felt like he was betraying his best friend by being in love with him

    Kursed July 16, 2021 1:01 am
    the trauma of being gay in a very conservative society, and the trauma of having to keep his sexuality a huge secret from his best friend, and also the trauma of feeling like he had to leave his best friend to ... Kittykat

    eh i don’t think that’s how BL works chief
    Unless it’s specifically stated, I think you’re reaching

    youraedthiswrogn July 16, 2021 1:18 am
    eh i don’t think that’s how BL works chiefUnless it’s specifically stated, I think you’re reaching Kursed

    Yeah, rn he's just a coward. He's just "scared", nothing mentioned about trauma.

    Kittykat's using projection to argue.

youraedthiswrogn July 15, 2021 1:51 pm

We really need to also see this character's wrongdoing too... there are so many glowing him up when he's a hypocrite.

You guys, he knew Homin and Hyesung had sex the night before when he has sex with him, he literally says so before hand, revealing the hicky left on Homin's shoulder. He gets onto Homin correctly, don't get me wrong, but him having sex with Homin is also "unfair to Hyesung" (what he gets onto Homin about). It's the same thing.

He does seems like he might have been/still be in love with Homin given the pained/irritated expression he shows at being used as a substitution, but regardless the issue with the action remains. As he says to Homin "that was before you met again and had sex".

How do you have sex with him, then turn around after having your fill and say "no more, the casual sex isn't okay now that you met Hyesung after all these years and had sex, it isn't fair to Hyesung"...

youraedthiswrogn July 15, 2021 7:35 am

I was already pretty pissed about the ghosting, but THIS...

You literally JUST had sex with Hyesung last night! He told you he likes you! And now you're anxious because you're getting closer so you have sex with someone else to relieve it?!

And say whatever stupid shit you want about "he doesn't owe him anything", it's still shitty to partake and then hoe around literally the next day. That is not without a sense of shittyness, i hope Hyesung finds out tbh...

I feel like I'd be okay if this was all just the prologue showing why Hyesung realized he was gay and then moved on to someone else.

Let the stupid uke be stress free with his side piece, since being with his crush is too stressful.

    rukiamara July 15, 2021 8:02 am

    Yes, Hyesung deserves someone waay better, someone who will treat him with respect and dignity! Uke can sleep around, his choice, but far away from my poor seme!

youraedthiswrogn July 8, 2021 6:18 am

Why aren't the other wings responding to her yet?

Also, that Noelle powerup foreshadowing is exciting.

    gorg July 8, 2021 12:27 pm

    Someone said their fakes ( not including Noelle and Ahuin )

    youraedthiswrogn July 8, 2021 5:44 pm
    Someone said their fakes ( not including Noelle and Ahuin ) gorg

    But Ahuin still hasn't awakened as her wing, though he did hear her calling for him.

    Cora July 8, 2021 7:48 pm
    But Ahuin still hasn't awakened as her wing, though he did hear her calling for him. youraedthiswrogn

    he's a slow waking one because he was josephina's wing before leticia was born aka when she was still a saintess so his body is slowly making the transfer to leticia

    youraedthiswrogn July 8, 2021 9:43 pm
    he's a slow waking one because he was josephina's wing before leticia was born aka when she was still a saintess so his body is slowly making the transfer to leticia Cora

    Oh, okay.

    ChuYang July 9, 2021 12:52 am
    he's a slow waking one because he was josephina's wing before leticia was born aka when she was still a saintess so his body is slowly making the transfer to leticia Cora

    Yet she decided to give birth to Leticia anyways then blame her diminishing powers on her? Trashefina!

youraedthiswrogn June 25, 2021 5:41 am

So many gorgeous, buff men... and they are all warriors!

Gives me black dagger brotherhood vibes so far.

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