Hopefully he learns to feel emotions right and learns right and wrong, right now he seems to just be pathetic towards everyone, even his fellow students, and he seems to just be obsessed with her. He's emotionally at Claude's level, arguing with him about how she loves him the most. Maybe being around him will help him learn? I think it's just heading towards him spiraling out of control so far tbh...

The point of an earlier scene, the one where Dietrich is revealed to be alive to Wilhelm, was for Rein to rest if Wilhelm cares about Dietrich and whether or not he killed him in cold blood. His reaction was to draw his blade wondering how he's still alive. This confirmed for Rein that Wilhelm never cared for him and killed him in cold blood.
Flash forward and now the story is that he didn't care at first and then ended up feeling guilty and changing his mind but was too late to save him. He wasn't lying when he said he didn't kill him or when he was crying about his death. The first scene doesn't really make much sense in this new context, but I guess he was just too shocked? It's now exploring how deadpan he can react even when he's looking at his son and thinking "he's so adorable", so maybe the reaction didn't match the inside or maybe he was just too far gone at the time because of his estrangement with Rein at the time. He was very mentally broken at the time.
Honestly surprised he's not just a psychopath that was faking emotion at times, that's what it seemed like at the start, middle and late game. The happy ending is nice though, I'm glad everyone is happy.

I see people seem to hate Genas, which I don't really get. People act like because he started them off on the wrong foot that he's the reason they're estranged and it's like... That's not how that works. They had years to talk, she had years for her anger to subside, he had years to tell her why Genas did what he did, she had years to try and find answers, etc.
Genas said it to her, remember that he was fully confident and assured her that Enoch would treat her well and when she said she'd never forgive him he said that he's sure she will eventually forgive him. The issue is that she played brick wall the entire time, wasting away both emotionally and physically, Enoch refused to talk about what matters and only tried to make her feel better without explaining anything and Genas is an outsider to their marriage so of course he's not just randomly showing up and trying to mediate... Driet also never explained that this all started with the sacrifice of Enoch's mother's heart, which is pretty relevant to whether or not she hates him. As we know, knowing all the facts she feels stupid and desperately wants to turn back time.
Genas assumed she'd be angry for a bit and get over it and that Enoch would have told her about everything eventually. It's just an arranged marriage, they're royalty... That's what the necklace scene is about. He realizes that Enoch didn't tell her what happened or she wouldn't be wearing those in front of him. The point isn't "you're wearing those in front of me", it's that "he didn't tell you". Which means Enoch did what he does and self sabotaged. He didn't think he deserved her and regretted hurting her by removing her from her family, so he let her hate him. He planned to use his own crystal to heal her.

Great explanation, you really well explained Genas acted like he did. Yet I respond to you because: Yes, he is not sole reason why they are estrange but he is part of the blame and it's understandable some people dislike him for it.
Genas made a lot of assumptions and treated Juliet like an object to save his brother disregard the whole purpose is that they need to fall in love for his brother to be save.
After all he did stop them from meeting/communicate, burn the letter and refuse to explain to Juliet.
Juliet should have tried, Enoch should have explained (and stop being suicidal) and Genas should have played cupidon instead of what he did.
Genas started the fire and couple added fuel on it

"After all he did stop them from meeting/communicate, burn the letter and refuse to explain to Juliet."
Enoch wasn't able to talk, Juliett just didn't know that when she told Genas that they needed to talk. He was bedridden with the fever because he wasn't married yet. He forced her to marry without meeting him for that reason, marriage immediately cured his fever and he went to go see her, only to be hit with the "this is how you do things?". The latest chapter shows that he then became suicidal and told Genas that he should've let him die instead of ruining her life.
What I need to go back and check is why she wasn't able to see her family for so long. I want to say the story sort of (?) implied that had to do with her withering away, but thinking about it that might be unrelated since she's cursed and dying. That's why he uses his crystal. I think Enoch was trying to get her contact with her family and only then managed to do it? I know he was avoiding her, since he thought his presence was hated and made her feel worse. Could be that she went without her family because she never asked him for them till then?

For meeting her family i think she just never asked as she refused to speak to Enoch. They barely saw each other after their first year of mariage I believe
But remember Enoch having and not being able to talk is because he didn't meet with Juliet. And it's not like Genas didn't know that but he acted with pride he forced the mariage instead of lowering his pride and making them meet since it would have fixed the fever.
Like Genas took control because Enoch was not in condition to but he didn't cooperate with Juliet who was in condition to

So in this chapter, Wilhelm went to aid Luden in the battle against the monsters, taking Billoi with him and saving Rein and Bianca as seen. Per last chapter, he is totally using this to get close to Rein, he literally just said that he's going to use Billoi as a hostage. He's just told Rein that Billoi will be in her care for a week. I suspect he will give her time to get bonded with Billoi and then use him to put himself in the equation.
Rein, meeting Wilhelm again for the first time in 5 years, is glad to notice that he looks at her coldly now (more of her falling for his act, I guess he's playing hard to get), but also feels bad that he seems so broken. She never fell out of love with him, that was just never part of the story. She feels bad for him because she still loves him, clearly. The story is and has been that she fell in love with him before the betrayal and now those two feelings coexist within her. She's disgusted by him and wants him gone from her life (the predominant feeling), but she also loves him deep down. That's why she's acting how she is in this chapter towards him. She sees that to others he may seem okay, but she can tell that he is different to how he was and feels bad that he looks so broken to her.
Rein reunited with Billoi and decided to make amends, accepting him and deciding to give him her love now. Bianca doesn't seem too happy to have a brother, we'll see if that actually goes somewhere or if it's just a tease of drama before it becomes nothing.

Rein dropped off Billoi as ordered to by the imperial family. Wilhelm refused to let her leave and ended up doing more manipulation shit about a promise they made when she was still being fooled by him. He made his wish to have his way with her for 3 days while she lay there like a corpse devoid of emotion at the rape and she left afterwards. Now we're at 5 years later, in the meantime Wilhelm has neglected Billoi the entire time and now we see Rein has a daughter that is obviously Wilhelm's... Again... She seems to have had no problems bonding with this one since it isn't male and doesn't look like a carbon copy of it's father
She has, once again, chosen not to blame the child for it's father's mistakes and decided to give birth to it despite the rape circumstances. This is 2 for 2 now

Okay, so she chose to birth yet another rape child, this time being straight-up rape and not retroactive rape after realizing she's pregnant with a man that had tried to kill her childhood friend and crush and had been lying to her and manipulating her the whole time. Are y'all still going to act like she is a heartless bitch? All these people being like "she abandoned her son" when she chose to give birth to him because she didn't want to blame him for the father's actions, took care of him as long as she could, never abused him and then handed him off to her closest friend when her trauma wouldn't let her be around him anymore, only to be ordered to give him up by the imperial family. Here she is AGAIN, not allowing what Wilhelm did to her make her choose abortion because the child is innocent despite the father
Meanwhile Wilhelm has already and continues to give away how he really is. A psychotic manipulator that will stoop to any low to get her, even sacrificing her own happiness by trying to kill someone she's close to and watching her struggle through that for years as he plays the role of pillar of support through all he's put her through

AHHH THANK U, so good to hear smth with sense, she has a solid trauma, lost everyone and the one, whom she tried to trust after all the hardships, betrayed her, graped her 2 times and is still messing with her. She is a very strong and complicated character. Rein is not just manipulative person with no feelings. She's hurt, and yet still standing here with head high, doing all in her power to manage her responsibilities. Wilhelm is also a very complex character, but it pisses me off how readers view Rein as the bad one and not the "real villain". It's not romance, it's a dark story with deep plot. I really like it, and I looove Rein

So firstly, I wouldn't say the FL is "weak", it's more like she's powerless. She's a very strong person that has endured a hell-like life for the sake of her sister. She's been abused physically and verbally since she was a child and because she's pretty she's always had men lusting after her and people assuming that she's a whore and uses her looks to get things. Since she's a "noble" (in name only), pretty much everyone around her assumes she's a sheltered princess, which couldn't be further from the truth. The entire story is just *riddled* with people assuming things about her.
People in the comments seem pissed off that she used the ML, but she had no choice. It was that or marry an old man under threat that if she didn't, her sister would have to. Her real plan was to have the ML take her virginity so that her betrothed would get pissed and call off the engagement. She knew her step-sister wanted to marry her off for the connection, she wanted to get revenge on her family by ruining that connection. She wanted to run away from the situation so bad that for a second she panicked and ran to the ML and asked him to take her away. She didn't know his feelings and was surprised when he very quickly kissed her and made his feelings known. He told her he can't take her away, but that he would kill her betrothed. She didn't take him seriously. She assumed he wouldn't be able to, she was just planning to get caught during her wedding night no longer being a virgin and getting revenge when all the sudden her betrothed and his son are dead.
So she used him to take her virginity and he jumped at the thought that she loved him. Which she did and does, but he didn't realize that she didn't *just* use him, it was also exactly how he thought. She tried to explain that she can't leave because of her sister, but he left her there feeling betrayed by her thinking she *just* used him. He still doesn't know how she feels and now someone is trying to force her to make him fall out of love with her so there's more to misunderstand now in how she's acting.

This all could have been avoided if she had just took her sister and left with him when he came for her. Either she never brought up the topic of running away with him and bringing her sister because she really was just using him and she was saying what he wanted to hear. Or author was just lazy with the plot and didn’t even consider this an option. Joining a monastery was stupid because it took her away from her beloved sister and I’m 99% sure they would have sold her little sister to the highest bidder in like a year tops.
instead of saying she’s weak or powerless, I will say she hasn’t been making smart decisions ( ̄へ ̄)
She doesn't realize that him using magic to instantly teleport to her is a sign... She even just mentioned that they're the magic pillar of support! He's like "Don't you dare marry! But also, let me adopt you into my family as my daughter". ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Her accidentally acing mother's test was hilarious too, she really came there prepared to save some innocent girl from her son! Both parents are like "my son is trash".
I can't wait for this to come to light.
Also, she's so worried about her commoner background, which seems like it's already taken care of with her new grandfather (and really her family in general).