Am i the only one super curious about Dohoon's parents? The only information we got was 1.) His mother was a Drinker and his father was a human and 2.) Salem has had him since he's was a baby.
He mentions that they died when he was young but that could very well be a lie on Salem's part. Or she could have killed them herself. But the author never goes into detail.

This story was so unrealistic when it tried to be. The author obviously based this in america but I don't think they have a clear understandment of the sex industry here. Or the police department for that matter. That was literally one of the worst "undercover" missions I've seen by a "professional". I get that it's a fictional story but I think the plot was quite... Idk..... Half-assed? And the character development was just sad. He was so homophobic at the beginning but as soon as he is confessed to he says yes? With NO hints of affection toward Donneylly? I thought this was going to be a spicy take on the sex industry but it failed in so many ways. The art is really nice and I feel like the creator may have some talent in story ideas, but I wish they'd do their research if they are going to write a story in a setting they obviously know little to nothing about.
Yeaaahhh I had a feeling he was gonna be a yandere. It would make sense though that the easiest route in normal mode would be one of the hardest in hard mode.