The private Russian orphanage "Dead Mansion" that trains young children as agents, and the...
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- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / School Life
"Byul, a popular alpha and a first-year high school student, once trained to be an idol but has...
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- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen Ai / Romance
Jung Yeonshin was born with a short fate: being unable to live past the age of twenty. Although ever...
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- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Martial Arts / Shounen
Read Myst, Might, MayhemJeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happen...
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- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
“I’ll eat all your skills!”‘F*ck this awakening bullshit.’ ‘To h...
- Author: Ahn So-seol, Seong Hyun, Redice Studio
- Genres: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Seinen / Supernatural / Webtoons
Read manhwa The Last Adventurer [By the studio that brought you and ...
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- Genres: webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Webtoons
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Josei / Romance
Read manhwa Trait Hoarder / ?? ?? ??? Kim Joonsoo, a free-to-play ranker in the mobile game, “Arca...
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- Genres: webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Suchan Jang is an extraordinary college student at the top of the social food chain. But underneath ...
- Author: 형은,쥬더
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Fantasy / Horror / Sci-Fi
Freelance photographer Felix accidentally walks into the wrong hotel room and meets Uriel,who mistak...
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Read manhua The Evil Ring / ??? Synopsis The Evil Ring Eighteen years ago, a prophecy emerged that a...
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- Author: Brothers Without A Tomorrow
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Fantasy / Romance
wtf men? such a cliffhanger. my mind was blown on how twisted they both are idk what am i supposed to react
I started it just because of the art style (its really beautiful) and now im so invested in it. PLS UPLOAD MORE IM SO EXCITED