so i remember reading this yaoi and i cannot remember the name but i think it started out with a guy in a internet cafe masturbating and another guy pops his head in and he gets startled ...another part i remember is the two guys work for this other guy as his toy/plaything/servant? or something like that...does anyone know a yaoi like that?
never mind lol i managed to find it...its this one; http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/rakuen_uehara_ari/uu/tr_chapter-1/pg-1/
I tend to dwell on things and this is something that bothers me a lot. I don't know if I believe in destiny, since it seems like quite a big commitment, I mean, if someone kept having bad experiences one after another, can that really be called destiny? or simply just the cruel reality of the world? It doesn't seem fair to believe in destiny if someone has a pretty smooth sailing life while another struggles time after time, which is why destiny is something that I'm uncertain about. If destiny is real, then are we all destined to find happiness and receive love?
Things have not been that great for me, for quite some time, nothing seems to be going right and i can't understand why...which is why i want to know what other people's opinions are about whether love and happiness are obtainable for everyone. I believe everyone is entitled to happiness and love and deserves it, but when it comes down to it, can anyone grasp it and maintain it and truly lead a happy life?
(I don't think there is truly a proper answer but i want to know how others view these types of things)
Sometimes people have to heal something with themselves before the love they desire appears. You mentioned people who have bad experience after bad exp...there is a reason they are attracted to the wrong type of partner, some self analysis could help them break from the pattern. Anyway, I do think love and happiness are obtainable for those who actively seek it but I don't believe everyone is entitled to or deserves it--there are true as$holes out there, you know. Saying things like 'destiny' makes it sound like it doesn't require hard work, compromise etc. to find love or keep a relationship going. Love doesn't just happen, we don't fall into it willy nilly. We click with someone and then actively do something about it (e.g. woo them). IMHO
I do believe that everything that happens is destìned to be but I also believe that as a human being I still have a say in the things that are happening, which makes for example my decisions a part of my destiny. Anyway since I believe in the existence of an afterlife, I believe, that even if something bad happens one after another, as long as you stay a good person, someday (now or in the afterlife) you will be rewarded for it. I also want to emphasize, that human beings tend to concentrate on the negative things that happen in life, which makes other bad things come up as a consequence as well (in terms of e.g. self fulfilling prophecy). About happiness I think that not only do we have high expectations regarding being happy (we forgot to be happy about the small things in life) but also do we tend to forget about the happy things that have happened, because it doesnt serve that big of a purpose as remembering bad things (purpose here is, the fear of getting into a bad situation again --> avoiding behavior that leads to it). Being happy is a really subjective thing.
I think you can obtain happiness once you've tried to understand the things above. Also it is necessary to know that your own happiness isnt smth that solely depends on other people but mostly on you.The thing about love is a bit more complicated, since that is something that depends mostly on others (in my opinion. I know that you should love yourself etc., but our existence depends on other people's feelings towards us as well). I think different people define love differently. Familial love, love you receive from friends or even a lover, and you decide whats most important to you. My family is the most important to me and even if I would lose everyone else, I wouldnt wanna lose their love. Regarding the lover thing, I can't even imagine myself in such a situation, because of bad experience (not that Ive been in a relationship, but almost everyone around me suffered from their relationships and I just decided that i didnt wanna get myself into a similar situation.) <-- but thats still a decision I made.
Well thats just how i see things, in the end the main message is that you can define what happiness and love is for you, and if you dont set your expectations too high, you might find happiness even in ordnary things. Sorry for the long text, imma go sleep now^^
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