I feel like everyone keeps trying to apply the typical yaoi character templates here, but it won't work b/c this manga is messy af. It's a lot like real life, all the characters have really good and REALLY shitty sides to them. Personally, I hope Subin ends up with Hyung, but if it doesn't happen, I get it. For better or worse, it's hard to shake off the hold that ppl you care about/love have on you ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍. The manga is as good as it is b/c it properly conveys exactly how much of a hot mess everyone is in their early/mid-twenties & how selfish ppl can be (even if/especially when it's unintentional). Lean into that, you'll enjoy reading it way more.
Also, for the ppl saying Hyunwoo's not gay as though that excludes him as a romantic option: HYUNWOO IS CANONICALLY BISEXUAL. BISEXUAL PEOPLE EXIST. Like, damn, I can't believe I have to say that. The guy is pretty bad, but bi-erasure is worse. Seriously, come up with better reasons for them to not be together, there are a lot of them.
I’ve had depression & anxiety for a good few years & recovery is a constant uphill battle. i love the FL & the depiction of her mental state & journey is true to life and lovely.
healing isn’t linear, and the author’s doing a great job of showing that. i’m sending strength to my fellow neurodivergent babes. you’re not lazy or stupid, you’re fighting your own brain to survive - you’re a badass (๑•ㅂ•)و✧