this post will surely drown and desapeare but i wanted to thank all mangago moderatos ,scanlations teams and every person who contributes to this website , like really isnt itthe best website ever ? i mean how much efforts does it take for everyone just so we enjoy ourselves ? dosn't it deserve a BIG THANK YOU ? and all we know is "waiting for the next chapter please uptade " LOL well that shows how much we like the mangas and all but still ...we need to thank them properly
also thanks to mangago community i mean all if you are juste awesome i'm kinda shy and awkward i may not even comment or react but just by reading you guys , your comments , your shared topics and all , that just shows how sweet you are love you all

UWU this is so heart warming. Thank you!!
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Have a good day hooman ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ

i'm looking for a yaoi manga its kinda old ,and has incest in it ,for what i remember it was a story about two brothers , the seme was a doctor and the uke a highscooler (not sure for the uke ) they had a pretty fuked up childhood and the seme gave the uke nipple piecing

Try this ( ̄▽ ̄)╭ http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/love_prism/

I think it was a shounen ai ,it was about an old man and an young guy ,the young man moved in the neighborwood with his familly and started to go to the old man's house ,the father of the young man was the guy the old man was in love with whene he was younger ,(he even wrote him a confession letter or something but didnt give it to him ) the young guy started to like the old man ,at first he (the old man )rejected the young one but in the end he decided to give it a try ,for what i remember the first scen of the manhua was in the rain (sorry for my bad english lol )
Hope everyone is fine. I'm looking for recommendations for any yaoi/shounen ai that goes like this : MC know each from two separate places like they know each other IRL and also in video games , or one of the MC can body swap with animals / or is a famous anonymous author admired but the other MC /etc
I guessed it confusing but what I mean is that they fall for one another without knowing who their alter is and then find out as time passes
The more it is slow paced, the better ... Thank you
Monochrome rumor
My darling signed in
Netkama punch
Aitai Jou to Usagi no Yamai
Half of me
To be or not to be - it takes a long way to the part you're looking for but it's good
Regas - you should definitely read it (body swap starts in the middle of the story)
See You, My King - doesn't have what you said ya looking for but it's similar slowburn but isekai
And check out "shining summer" I think ya will definitely like it.
Heal heal heal