That last panel was so cringe, thats so disgusting, what's that obsession with saying "DADDY" lmao. Anyways, why are we even reading about james n chang-il???? I haven't even seen much of yona n chan-il and here author is just shoving down these unnecessary side stories about that disgusting fker, that trash!!!
Side story should be about Yona n chang-il, right now it looks like, "what if james was with chang-il" and not "how are yona n chang-il now"
That last panel was so cringe, thats so disgusting, what's that obsession with saying "DADDY" lmao.
Anyways, why are we even reading about james n chang-il????
I haven't even seen much of yona n chan-il and here author is just shoving down these unnecessary side stories about that disgusting fker, that trash!!!
Side story should be about Yona n chang-il, right now it looks like, "what if james was with chang-il" and not "how are yona n chang-il now"