Well while everyone's complaining about it, I'm here siding with the author choice of plot because this is freaking good. Can you believe the patience and the come back that he gets? It's freakin beautiful and , superb.
If i have to choose between the uke just suffering alone and get his revenge, or just naively continuing his love life and give up on baseball, i would've chosen the first one.
It's strategic, sweet revenge, bittersweet drama, and a very rational act to do.

I'm sorry am i weird that i don't really like minty? I mean he's basically mixed up with his boyfie's professional and personal life. I also don't want to be bothered when I'm working. And chill yo, that's just his senior helping your boyfriend.
Andd he's not being grateful for such a kind boyfriend with stable job that can support himself.

I think he's being self-centered yes, but when you are insecure and feeling ashamed about your own situation it's hard to see past your own issues. I mean you see this type of behavior with NEETs from mangas all the time, now amplify that with also feeling like a burden to someone else.
I guess you could argue that he should just be confident in himself but having a career IS a big part of empowerment/independence for people as young adults. And given that we've seen him in several chapters looking for jobs and even asking friends, it's not like he isn't trying. It's understandable for him to be frustrated.
That said, it's not really an excuse to take out these negative feelings on his boyfriend. They are his own insecurities and its something he should communicate with others about. But IDK, I don't hate or dislike him as a character, he's pretty neutral atm imo.
That said, I'm expecting it to get worse and he could jump the shark and do something completely dumb and inexcusable later so who knows.

Tbh I'm kinda wanna see the alpha wolf x the grown up puppy lol.
They look hot together, if we reckon them as bro instead of dad-son. Or just go with father x adoptive son, that'd make yummy drama

Hey now, I respect your decision not to ship them, we have different opinions and again that's fine, I respect that, but if they weren't related, you have to admit they'd look great together, it's the (slightly) tsundere older guy x literal puppy dynamic that makes it good for me : )
Please just avoid the comment you disagree with altogether if you don't have the same opinion, have a good day! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I do admit they look good together, I just wished that you'd consider their backstory as he raised him as a lost child, if they didn't see each other as a literal family member then I would ship them from their looks in that pov, but they aren't strangers that are hot to be shipped, they are family, once again I agree if you ship them based on personality and looks but please consider how they see each other

Hello, I wanted to say that I will not avoid this comment because even though you seem that it's not a big deal, there is a huge problem with even thinking they "look good together". That's spreading immoral ideas/opinions onto anyone else who reads your comment. I just wanted to let you know that it's indecent to even try to pass this off with the "hey I respect your opinion, BUT-" sentence idea:/ especially in this case which involves a child. It's very disgusting to view any child and adult together when they are obviously family and at all. I hope you can take the time to realize why thinking of them together "looking good" is awful. Just put yourself into perspective, would you like it if others said that you n your child, that you raised, would "look good together" ?

naur what r u even saying, "who cares?" well everyone fucking should, don't pair up father and son figures together just to make up for your disgusting fetish, what if people shipped you with your own parents? What if they wanted to see some sexual actions between y'all just cuz you looked good together, and "that's what makes us human" naur, that makes you inhumane, being human is making mistakes but we have to fix it, y'all just using the fact that you make mistakes but you never fix it, y'all just leave your mistakes for some other people to copy and that ain't shit, what does "lover figure" even mean? If they're lovers then they're lovers, but they fucking aren't, they are FAMILY, at first I understood what y'all meant by shipping them by looks but now I see that y'all just using that reason to ship them, and that's disgusting, I take back whatever I said about agreeing that it was okay, now stop acting like you're so uwu and trying to bring peace but what you're only doing is spreading shit all over this beautiful comic.

I said that they cute and perfect together. If you really think about it they really did look perfect together and just don't care what people see them as. Its not a weird Fetish Because they not even related. That's why there's shippers they know that they are not related, if they are related then there's no way there's someone who will ship them, you don't understand when I said the look good together , when I said that they look together I really mean it, People can look good and cute together you don't need to be in relation ship just to look good and cute together, If you see a happy family in the park you think that they perfect and cute together cuz they are happy, that's what I meant when I said it, and we didn't say some sexual action you just made it.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

if that's what you meant then you shud have said so, imagine someone saying "omg you and your father look perfect for each other" bitch that's just wrong, say what you mean properly, when you say "perfect for each other" it's an expression of both of you being lovers, don't act like I'm the stupid one and made that shit up to attack you, you knew what you were saying, whether they are related or not, you shouldn't ship them bc they see each other like family.

But remember this is just a comic, and plus there are loads of comics where blood related family get together and fall in love. It is not wrong for people to ship people together, it is just the nature of things. What is bad is that people force their opinions of each other. And even if this a comic things like fathers and sons being in a relationship or does of blood relations do get together, and as long as they are not hurting others and themselves who should care. To say that this shipping pair that people have created is a disgusting fetish is quiet wrong people have what they like and as long as they are not causing harm it really should not matter. That all i got to say now peace out and have a good day

you are the exact type of people I'm talking about, "this is just a comic" okay and? So what? It is still a story, a story about a family and y'all saying it's fine if ppl have opinions on shipping them?? ofc there are other stories on incest, that's how fucked up this world is, and yes they are causing harm to others, you are giving the mindset that it's okay to ship family members and by letting ppl have their own "opinions" it's like your making this world think that whatever you say is fine as long as its your own opinion, how about "I wanna fuck that child so bad" then call them out for pedophilia but they say "hey, it's just my opinion" you're just gonna let it slide? A PEDOPHILE but then they also say "it's just a comic, it's not like I'll do it irl" and what? You take their word for it? You really think that they won't do it? Just cuz they said so? Just thinking about doing that to a child is literally almost as bad as doing it to them, imagine having a beautiful kid and ppl would ship y'all with each other and fucking around, they say that they ship y'all and you're freaked tf out bc that's your own child, someone precious you'd want to protect and yet you'll allow ppl to look at them with disgusting imaginations and you let it slide bc it's their own opinion??? That's fucked up, we're human but most ppl like doing what they think about and some are mistakes that you can never fix.

Hello!! You were really polite and for some reason that made my day! I agree with your opinion, I too have the same one in fact, I just think their dynamic would make for a really funny manga and their looks & personalities compatible if they weren't related.
I honestly haden't realized how the second paragraph or thr parent commented sounded aloud, so sweet of you to reply to me!! Thank you and have a good day!!
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Hey there! I'm afraid I've been inactive for quite a while and have only just seen this!
I just wanted to clarify some things, I'm afraid you've let your imagination run a tad bit and as much as I'm glad to see someone defending so valiantly against phedophiles and children being forced into explicit sexual acts, I feel I should explain a few things!
Seeing the same things differently is what makes humans well.. human, a murder could be both a straight up homicide or self-defence, everything we see is a matter of perspective, that's what sets us apart from other species, that and the ability to communicate peacefully of course, which I hope we can do right now?
So please do correct me if you think I'm wrong, I like to think my ethical beliefs are as correct as can be (raised by a religious family you see!) and no matter how I'd feel about being proved wrong, I'd still want to correct myself if things do come to that.
Let's start with the parent of this whole thread, the first ever comment and move down to the rest: (only doing the most relevent ones because damn has this thread grown o.o)
- Tbh I'm kinda wanna see the alpha wolf x the grown up puppy lol.
They look hot together, if we reckon them as bro instead of dad-son. Or just go with father x adoptive son, that'd make yummy drama -
That's the start of the thread! There has been no mentions of hope for any sexually explicit actions between the adoptive father-son pair so far, next!
(I do think that the second paragraph starting from the second line seemed really... immoral, however it is true that there are stories, plays, movies, and just basically lots of 'for entertainment purposes' entertainment filled with all that was mentioned so... to each their own I suppose??? Please never say yummy drama about forbidden relationships again though T^T, those are painful..)
-Hello, I wanted to say that I will not avoid this comment because even though you seem that it's not a big deal, there is a huge problem with even thinking they "look good together". That's spreading immoral ideas/opinions onto anyone else who reads your comment. I just wanted to let you know that it's indecent to even try to pass this off with the "hey I respect your opinion, BUT-" sentence idea:/ especially in this case which involves a child. It's very disgusting to view any child and adult together when they are obviously family and at all. I hope you can take the time to realize why thinking of them together "looking good" is awful. Just put yourself into perspective, would you like it if others said that you n your child, that you raised, would "look good together" ?-
Okay, next one! I want to say, yes, yes you are correct, I would most definitely be disgusted if someone said me and the child I raised would look good together! I absolutely apologize if that was the message I was giving off!!!
Well now then, look at this from my perspective, Alpha wolf x the grown up puppy, that was the biggest part of the whole thread I agreed with, it seemed like a cute dynamic, the 'ship' is definitely a version of fanon and not canon, if this was a manga with those dynamics and the absolutely gorgeous character art (minus the familial relations of course) I'd absolutely love it! and I believe that's what most of us are saying, the point of the shipping and the agreement was to share that with other people who agree, in no comment was there any mention at all of viewing a child and an adult together, obviously family or not! Please keep unfounded accusations to yourself! It sounded far too agressive too!!!
Alright *inhale* next one then.
-naur what r u even saying, "who cares?" well everyone fucking should, don't pair up father and son figures together just to make up for your disgusting fetish, what if people shipped you with your own parents? What if they wanted to see some sexual actions between y'all just cuz you looked good together, and "that's what makes us human" naur, that makes you inhumane, being human is making mistakes but we have to fix it, y'all just using the fact that you make mistakes but you never fix it, y'all just leave your mistakes for some other people to copy and that ain't shit, what does "lover figure" even mean? If they're lovers then they're lovers, but they fucking aren't, they are FAMILY, at first I understood what y'all meant by shipping them by looks but now I see that y'all just using that reason to ship them, and that's disgusting, I take back whatever I said about agreeing that it was okay, now stop acting like you're so uwu and trying to bring peace but what you're only doing is spreading shit all over this beautiful comic.-
GAHH! Again! There was no mention of sexual acts in ANY agreeing comment! PLEASE read the other comments before you share your own opinion, sounds to me like you read the latest ones and decided; "Well now what pedophiles, shipping family?? How preposterous!", without checking the facts for yourself.
Second, I beg of you not to force your opinions on others, it causes unecessary strife between both large and small communities, I love this comic as much as the next fan, and shipping people together is again, just wishful thinking of the same characters in different situations, there are plenty of other manga with much more 'disgusting' fetishes, why don't you go over there and spread your hate? >:(
-I said that they cute and perfect together. If you really think about it they really did look perfect together and just don't care what people see them as. Its not a weird Fetish Because they not even related. That's why there's shippers they know that they are not related, if they are related then there's no way there's someone who will ship them, you don't understand when I said the look good together , when I said that they look together I really mean it, People can look good and cute together you don't need to be in relation ship just to look good and cute together, If you see a happy family in the park you think that they perfect and cute together cuz they are happy, that's what I meant when I said it, and we didn't say some sexual action you just made it. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ-
And to this, I have to say I agree!! There is never one meaning of a single sentence, the words "You look good together.", can apply to family members, you and your pet cat, etc, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be a couple-y saying ^^
Another yes to the sexual action one too, I don't really understand why there's so much sexual action included when there are thoughts about incest, get your mind out of the gutter people! XD
Sometimes you REALLY can't help who you love (the saying applies to incest too, as long as it's pure, true love and not an infatuation or hero worship), on another unrelated note, what if Person A was asexual? ヽ(`Д´)ノ Incest has so many sexual associations to it thanks to porn, none of this is really helping that, in some cultures, people marry their cousins!
(Also, I know this is an awkward thing to say but embarassingly, yes adopted relationships are a kind of fetish, humans have really evolved quite a lot *sigh* but this isn't a fetish, that at least I can assure you on.)
-if that's what you meant then you shud have said so, imagine someone saying "omg you and your father look perfect for each other" bitch that's just wrong, say what you mean properly, when you say "perfect for each other" it's an expression of both of you being lovers, don't act like I'm the stupid one and made that shit up to attack you, you knew what you were saying, whether they are related or not, you shouldn't ship them bc they see each other like family.-
Yes, you're correct! And wrong! The point of this huge essay (geez what am I doing with my life, boredom is brutal) is that no-one IN AGREEMENT has said anything about the puppy and his wolf father and how they look perfect together, pretty sure most of us just think they'd look good if they weren't related. Now about the perfect for each other part yeah that can also apply to siblings and best friends, I personally think me and my sister are a perfect fit!
And two, I don't know, have you heard of Kaeya and Diluc? They're from Genshin Impact I believe and are stepbrothers, not sure if they see each other as family since I haven't personally played the game but I think their dynamics apply to this situation?
Their ship has a lot of fans, fanon them have probably ended up in a lot of different universes where they definitely don't see each other as such, which again the point of shipping and products of wishful thinking, there's no need for the namecalling though, it seems a bit much for the situation.
-But remember this is just a comic, and plus there are loads of comics where blood related family get together and fall in love. It is not wrong for people to ship people together, it is just the nature of things. What is bad is that people force their opinions of each other. And even if this a comic things like fathers and sons being in a relationship or does of blood relations do get together, and as long as they are not hurting others and themselves who should care. To say that this shipping pair that people have created is a disgusting fetish is quiet wrong people have what they like and as long as they are not causing harm it really should not matter. That all i got to say now peace out and have a good day-
NO, YES AND YESSSS! I don't agree with the this is just a comic part! Most people justify actions with words like "was just a" and it seems fishy to me, although it's more likely to be just an instictive dislike of wording for me, maybe my subconcious has had some kind of traumatic experience with that very sentence? ヾ(☆▽☆)
Finally found a comment acknowledging that in the end we're people with our own opinions and we shouldn't try to force them on others, at the end of the day what matters is that you aren't hurting anyone else or yourself with your opinion and/or relationship.
Also the disgusting fetish thing really seems to be repeated in a lot of the comments, please don't kinkshame, not unless it's for something like having sexual intercourse with children and minors or something like that, some people's preferences come from life experiences and fetish-shaming=self loathing for them, if you can, try to be the best part of someone's day! Take it from someone studying psychology, that shit hurts like a bitch.
-you are the exact type of people I'm talking about, "this is just a comic" okay and? So what? It is still a story, a story about a family and y'all saying it's fine if ppl have opinions on shipping them?? ofc there are other stories on incest, that's how fucked up this world is, and yes they are causing harm to others, you are giving the mindset that it's okay to ship family members and by letting ppl have their own "opinions" it's like your making this world think that whatever you say is fine as long as its your own opinion, how about "I wanna fuck that child so bad" then call them out for pedophilia but they say "hey, it's just my opinion" you're just gonna let it slide? A PEDOPHILE but then they also say "it's just a comic, it's not like I'll do it irl" and what? You take their word for it? You really think that they won't do it? Just cuz they said so? Just thinking about doing that to a child is literally almost as bad as doing it to them, imagine having a beautiful kid and ppl would ship y'all with each other and fucking around, they say that they ship y'all and you're freaked tf out bc that's your own child, someone precious you'd want to protect and yet you'll allow ppl to look at them with disgusting imaginations and you let it slide bc it's their own opinion??? That's fucked up, we're human but most ppl like doing what they think about and some are mistakes that you can never fix.-
Not much I can say here without repeating what I've already said, nothing the agree comments have said has mentioned sex with a child, neither have they mentioned adult-child relationships, NOR have they mentioned disgusting imaginations, if anything with the unfounded accusations you're sprouting YOU have the suspiciously disgusting imagination (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Now I REALLY hope you don't really think that the people supporting this ship are pedophiles because they have a differing opinion, pedophiles are classified as people who lust after children/minors, where I live, people can be arrested for just that.
Now, this?
This is definitely not worth being arrested for.
Everyone stay safe n have a good day!!! Hope all of you go out of your way to be the highlight of someone's week ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I'm sorry if I've offended anyone with this and thank you for reading to the end! Honestly, halfway through this I forgot what I was writing and had to take a momentary break, hope all of us on both the agree-disagree sides of this 'debate' can read peacefully.
This is so minwon coded <33333
are you me what in the world
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ