In a world where eye color determines one’s magical prowess, there existed a mage of unparalleled...
- Author: kankitsu yusura,miyuki ruria
- Genres: Shounen / Ecchi / Thriller / Reincarnation / Monsters / Action / Demons / Animals / Webtoons / Romance / Comedy / Adventure / Magic / Harem / Isekai / Monster Girls / Web Comic / Supernatural / Full Color
Read A Rogue Guard in a Medieval FantasyIn a brutal, lawless medieval world where war and poverty re...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
The boy’s strongest first love, a witch who rules over the world with her body and strength! Kuoza...
- Author: Tachibana Koushi
- Genres: Genderswap / Monsters / Action / Romance / Comedy / Magic / Fantasy / Adaptation
This is… No different from Villager A… There can’t be a stronger being in this world!” To be...
- Author: Team. 윤홍
- Genres: Korean / Shounen / Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Supernatural Korean Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy Supernatural
“Hey there! I’m a Evil God! Not a bad one though, I swear!”So quipped the dark god (or so he c...
- Author: Itsuki mizuho,Nekobyou neko
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Isekai
- Author: Seo gyeol,서결
- Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Adaptation / Fantasy / Historical / Magic / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Adaptation Fantasy Historical Magic Romance
- Author: Seo gyeol,서결
- Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Adaptation / Fantasy / Historical / Magic / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Adaptation Fantasy Historical Magic Romance
eon-woo had a twin brother who disappeared five years ago. One day, a pocket watch left by his broth...
- Author: Nong nong,Sa doyeon
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy
The stories of the everyday life of a black mage and a slime that run a magic store together as mast...
- Author: Megasawara
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / Slice Of Life
"Hildegar", a witch that receive the blessing of Kariya, the god of the sun. "Erkin," a northern ma...
- Author: muro,muro (kidari studio)
- Genres: Josei / Full Color / Webtoons / Official Colored / Drama / Fantasy / Magic
April! Sawaya Doji's college life at his dream school of Seio University starts with an encounter wi...
- Author: monma tsukasa,yamamoto yamii
- Genres: Shounen / Adult / Romance / Comedy / Drama / Slice of Life
I found myself embodied in an otome game. The problem is that I am not the heroine, Nyla, but the vi...
- Author:
- Genres: Shoujo / Fantasy / Historical / webtoons
- Author: Juah chae
- Genres: Shoujo / Romance / Tragedy / webtoons
Guy who was going to commit double suicide with his lover gets transported to another world instead....
- Author: Noda hiroshi
- Genres: Seinen / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance / Slice of life / Supernatural
Ichinose Shiki, an inheritor of the blood of Oni had lived out his entire childhood oblivious to thi...
- Author: Urushibara yura
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Supernatural
- Author: Ra
- Genres: Webtoons / Seinen(M) / Adult / Mature / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Romance / Slice of Life Webtoons Comedy Drama Webtoons Romance Slice of Life