Although we are saying that we had enough of this, like me, (the main character better not falling love with Chinese dude or else he is the biggest idiot), we are still sticking with it, and reading it

It's Stockholm syndrome. It started off promising, not amazing but definitely a good story. Then it went and kept going downhill. I just pop in every once in a while to see if something's happened to make the story salvageable, although that ship sailed a long time ago. No matter what the author does, I will never believe the happy ending. I'll never believe that Siwon and Jinha will have a strong, stable, happy relationship that won't be broken apart easily. She'll have to make everyone act completely out of character.
GUYS looks like there will be an english publication of here u are by alohacomics on instagram
seems like they're a new company that just launched too if you wanna try to support them. i honestly don't know how legit they are but it might be worth looking into
I think they are legit! I pre ordered the value a month ago. And they’re gonna charge everyone at around December, so if you’re interested in getting a physical copy, you totally should!