they're so sexy wth thanks to the author nim for their hardwork
what the hell was that oh my ga.......... submissive top
i binge read this and wow im crying sobbing like mad man. tears are all over place wkdjsks
both of them are dorks and head over heels over each other gaaaaaaah so cute & bubbly
i would never want to encounter people like tak cuz wth are you on bro wkfjwodjeks so frustrating my god
it was so beautiful and..... hot.... i im in tears
need to cry badly but didn't know what to do but with this recent chap, mission succeeded
i miss him. i love lover boy sm, idk how many times ive read it again and again when u haven't found any interesting ones huhu
at this point i just :D i feel bad reading this shi wth
its so sad yet so beautiful i felt the warmth for hatred and glad to witness it
they're so sexy wth thanks to the author nim for their hardwork