i looove how the author write their personality & inner monologues, they r soo cutee & meant to be together love them so much
whats up with kissing the dog.. also I want more story with the city boy x templepriest guy, they r cutteeee!!!
i need more, their sex is hooot, the blood is hooot lmfao also the uke is so prettyyyy !!
cute too bad it wont get finished smh...
What the fuck fucky freekydy fuckk!! its not complete & it end with such cliff hanger!! wtfff!!! oh mygod I pray may the power of the sun always charged inside the pillow of the people who put this as completed, fuuccckkk!!!!
pls vol 2 pls
happy for them ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ & their little baby
Kaoro is literally the president of seme green flag bc holy shyyttt the patient the care the sincerity wooooowww bro is probably have green blood
ohh im sooo happy to read the update! thank you! im glad the got the parents approval kinda wanted to see Yu's turn with his parents too lol
i looove how the author write their personality & inner monologues, they r soo cutee & meant to be together love them so much