Imma drop this if he ends up with the teacher >:'(

I 'hate' kind men too cause I tend to fall in love easily and get hurt easily too. I'm bad at judging people and the amount of time 'nice' guys that I fell in love with turns out to be just abusive bastards are too much to count. And girls really will be blind once they fall in love. You're saying someone's annoying just cause they're in love us just childish

You got ur facts wrong first of all. She was scared of him cuz he was seen as a yakuza but then when he shown that his not actually a yakuza but more so just a friendly guy she was iffy about him. You would be too if a scary guy out of no where starts being friendly lol. But as time goes on she sees him for who he really is and falls in love with him and I think their love story is cute.

Lol idk to you but that's exactly what makes her a giod character- She portrays realistic reaction and despite her first impression, she was able to redeem herself as she get to know him better and that is very natural to me. People are judgmental in nature. Stop acting like you've never judged anyone throughout your entire life. For me, she's a solid character that portrays a human flaw and an ability to learn.
What a fucking selfish bitch