can any of y’all recommend sum bl’s as good as this one? ive been reading dull sht this daysss.. This is my second read and no bl manhwa has ever made me feel a rollecoaster of emotions.. LIKEIM BAWLING MY EYES OIT RN ANDI COULD BE TINGLY FROM MY HEART FLITTERING LIKE CRAZY LIKE WTF SUMONE GIVE ME STH LIKE THIS TO READ I WANNA FEEL SHT
someone give me a bl that has realistic conversations as this one and the out of control one.. like i rlly just wanna feel sth like hurt fluttering like crazy yk. im so tired of typical stockholm syndrome, rapist manipulator gaslighting “hot semes” they’re just so fcking dull i just forget them in a matter of seconds I WANT SUM LIFE IMPACTING RWALISTIC HEART FLUTTERING EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER SHIT like this series pleaaaaseeeeeee
Sugar dog life maybe?