This Thread is going to have everything you need to know about the current situation, even if you are a Lêhzįπ user and it's only here to comment because they don't have a comment section.
• The reason why we want this to be †äkêπ døwπ.
• The Aū†hör's mental health issues state.
• How to help this to be †äkêπ døwπ.
• How to read for FRĒĘ on Lêhzįπ.
• It's not easy to take wørks dōwπ from I||ēgä| wēbsį†ës, or entire wēbsį†ës but it's also not IMPOSSIBLE and IT HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE.
• The future of this Manhwa is at risk.
• To Lêhzįπ Readers.
• To MÄNGÅGØ Readers.