its speculation plus whats wrong if she has big boobs? guys in manhwas have massive dicks and muscles that are virtually impossible but you dont see guys start complaining
its speculation plus whats wrong if she has big boobs? guys in manhwas have massive dicks and muscles that are virtually impossible but you dont see guys start complaining zabong
its speculation plus whats wrong if she has big boobs? guys in manhwas have massive dicks and muscles that are virtually impossible but you dont see guys start complaining zabong
according to my memory I don't remember ever stating anything about what you've just said, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions the issue is much broader than the character designs
according to my memory I don't remember ever stating anything about what you've just said, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions the issue is much broader than the character designs Kira
literally how do people have so many issues w this manga, it doesnt oversexualise her actions and it beautifully conveys all the feelings
according to my memory I don't remember ever stating anything about what you've just said, maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions the issue is much broader than the character designs Kira
So, what is the issue exactly? Because the real issue here is the misleading information you’ve provided with-out actual evidence from the author themselves. “It all adds up” ahh comment
its speculation plus whats wrong if she has big boobs? guys in manhwas have massive dicks and muscles that are virtually impossible but you dont see guys start complaining zabong
its speculation plus whats wrong if she has big boobs? guys in manhwas have massive dicks and muscles that are virtually impossible but you dont see guys start complaining zabong
guys go on instagram and search @ghliese they post manhwa news of all sorts and it's a good way of getting recommendations:) ive been following them for a long time and that's where I get all my new reads lol