I am so worried about Soo-Young's health, in real life punch drunk is no joke, especially if you start with it in your twenties and thirties, he'll keep deteriorating as he ages and the constant exhaustion on his body will just speed up the deterioration. I'm just pretending that manhwa world is different and Soo-Young won't suffer too badly from the trauma to his head, but in real life his current symptoms (and at his age) he honestly stands no chance. Many fighters suffer with CTE and it can cause dementia, lose of speech, deafness, tremors and a whole host of mental disorders such as depression, paranoia, suicidality, memory loss (honestly the list is endless). I know Tae-seung doesn't care even if Soo-Young is broken (as long as he can have him) but Soo-Young will end up becoming just a shell of the person he is if he doesn't start looking after his body.
Hyuk is gonna get hurt and I'm actually so ready for it like come on Dr. Han, shake yourself, chase yo man and prove your feelings to him. I've been SO waiting for Dr. Han's calm persona to crumble and for him to get all weak for our boy Hyuk